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<br />~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Counci i Meeting <br /> <br />Ju Iy 13, 1970 <br /> <br />Water Rates and Tax Assessment Practices <br />Mr. Eugene Colestock advised the Council of the concern of sev~ral <br />of the businessmen in Arden Hills re Ramsey County assessment <br />practices resulting In excessive taxes and inflated .property values. <br />f~ also questioned the rates charged for water. <br /> <br />After discussion, the Council agreed to schedule a meeting with <br />interested businessmen, representatives from Ramsey County Assessor's <br />office and the Council, to discuss assessment practices. <br /> <br />REPORT OF ATTORNEY VINCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> <br />Public Defender - Determination of Indlaency <br />,t was moved by Councilman John Hoilenhorst that Attorney Courtney <br />make determination of Indlgency; bringing only questionable cases <br />before the Council for Its consideration. The motion was seconded <br />by Councilman Ronald HerriCk and carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Burnina Ordinance - Permit Procedure~ ~ 'i..f~ ~ <br />At"torney Courtney repor"ted "that "the I . rI AI f 91' VI pe '1 lfrlill1FH> <br />may, according to the Pollution Con"trol Agency's reply to his letter <br />of June 30, 1970, allow ou"tdoor burning when deemed necessary, and <br />will .. provide~~ permit applications for Issuance, at his <br />d i scretl on. <br /> <br />A"t"torney Cour"tney was requested to call the Pollution Con"trol Agency <br />for a determination re burning of Oak "trees known to have Oak Wilt. <br />(Burning of the trees Is a requirement of the Village Oak Wilt <br />Ordinance.) <br /> <br />REPORT OF ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />Sitzmark Ski Shop - Sanitary Sewer Installation Costs <br />Engineer Donald Lund recommended that the costs of this Installation <br />be paid by "the property owner because of the approximate S3,OOO.00 <br />costs; that additional Installations will be requested to serve the <br />balance of the property on the south of County Road E and, depending <br />on the number requested, could amount to a sizable amount of money. <br /> <br />After dlseusslon, Engineer Lund was reques"ted to submi"t eomparlson <br />eonstruetlon cost figures for the servlee connection today compared <br />to the cost of the servlee if It had been Installed at the time of <br />the Improvement In 1964; eomparlson figures "to be submitted "to the <br />Counell for l"ts review and determination of allocation of sewer <br />servlee Installation costs. <br /> <br />Sanitary Sewer Improvements 12 & 13 - line Reloeatlon Possibilities <br />Engineer Donald Lund advised the Council of difficulties in ob"talnlng <br />easements for the sewer construcTion as planned, and presented alter- <br />nate routing ~Ians, which Involved an estimated $4,000.00 additional <br />eost of construction. <br /> <br />After dlseussion, It was moved by Councilman Ronald Herrlek that the <br />alternate rouie, the Floral Crlve Revision, be approved as submitted <br />by Engineer Donald Lund; the motion was seconded by Counellman John <br />Hollenhorst and carried unanimously. . <br /> <br />Columbia Transit - Sanitary Sewer Extension <br />Engineer Donald Lund advised the Council that assessments of the <br />properties served by the sewer extension would adequa"tely pay for <br />the construc"tlon of the sewer ex"tenslon as proposed. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />it was moved by Couneilman Ronald Herrick and seeonded by Couneilman <br />E. Gray Henderson that the Counei I proeeed with the public hearing <br />as scheduled on Monday, July 27, 1970, proposing .assessments to <br />properties on both sides of County Road F served by "the extension <br />of the sewer line; the motion ear~I!~ unanlmous~ . <br />~-r;N.:C ~ ~ ~ #-t-- I . 1 ~ <br /> <br />tt..-~~~iAL l~ ~. <br /> <br /> <br />- 2 - <br />