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<br /> . . <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting October 29, 1973 <br /> Page four <br /> thoughts on this point to all VI I lage Committees and Commissions, <br /> and to relay the Councl I 's thoughts to the Metro Councl I re requests <br /> of this kind, by a letter from Mayor Crepeau. <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN CHARLES CRICHTON - Finance, Ordinance Review <br /> Union Contract <br /> Crichton referred the Counci I to his memo re Union Contract negotia- <br /> tions; advising that a complete "meeting of the minds" has not been <br /> reached - 3 or 4 points remain to be resolved. <br /> c <br /> . Crichton read verbaTum a letTer from Mayor Crepeau to Mr. Boemer, <br /> dated October 30, 1973, and moved that the Councl I approve the <br /> letter as read. Motion was seconded by Olmen and carried unanimously. <br /> Mayor Crepeau commended Counci Imen Crichton, Hollenhorst and Olmen <br /> for their diligent work with the union, and thanked them alf. <br /> ( I twas noted that If Village offer Is not accepted, the employees <br /> may request that the matter go to arbitration; request for arbitra- <br /> tion does not come from the employer.> <br /> Rice Creek Watershed MeetinQ - October 25, 1973 <br /> Crichton reported that representatives of Arden Hills and Shorevlew <br /> met with the Board of Managers of Rice Creek Watershed District re <br /> Shorevlew's request to drain water from Shorevlew (north of 1-694) <br /> Into heldil'lll Donds In Arden Hills to accommodaTe run-off resulting <br /> from Shorevlew developments in the area east of Lexington (De luxe <br /> Check-printing etc.>, explaining that the run-off Is too great for <br /> present pipes. <br /> Arden Hills explained that the Village is awaiting aerial maps which <br /> will Indicate whether this Is the best way to resolve this drainage <br /> problem; matter was not resolved, pending contour maps and Arden <br /> Hill s' recommendations re the problem. <br /> , <br /> . d~ <br /> ~t Chairman of the Watershed District IIl1th-t their attorney <br /> take~ steps to stop petroleum waste from infiltrating into Lake <br /> Johanna. <br /> Crichton reflected the Watershed District's apparent sincerety In <br /> their efforts to resolve problems re drainage into lakes. <br /> Mr. Locey aSked if this Board would also be effective In regulating <br /> boats on lakes etc. Crichton ",a I d he did not believe this would <br /> be under their Jurisdiction; advising Mr. Locey that a Planning Com- <br /> mission sub-committee has been appointed to study regulations of this <br /> nature. <br /> Mr. Crichton suggested that this sub-committee Include both lake resi- <br /> dents and non-lake residents. <br /> Assessment Pav.ment Request - Mr. Reeves <br /> . Crichton reviewed Reeves' letter of October 26, 1973, requesting Village <br /> assistance to refund the 1973" payable 197~ interest charge on payment <br /> In fu II of his deferred balance of assessment, for sewer. The legis- <br /> latl'(e change in date for paying deferred balances without inTerest <br /> from November 15 to Oct. 15 has caused Mr. Reeves' problem. He had <br /> been advised by the County in June that he had unt i I November 15th <br /> to pay the deferred balance without interest. <br /> After discussion, Clerk Administrator was requested to obtain all <br /> facts re the matter for Council consideration at the next Council <br /> meeting. <br /> Mrs. McNlesh said she talked with Mr. Olson, Ramsey County Department <br /> of Taxation, who advised that the County merely acts as a collecting <br /> agent for the Vi Ilage; the Village can give relief, if It so desires. <br /> -4- <br />