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<br /> , . <br /> Minutes of Regu tar Council Meeting October 29, 1973 <br /> Page five <br /> REPORT OF COUNCILMAN STAN OLMEN - Public Works <br /> Street Ll htln Re uest - Valentine Avenue and Valentine Crest Road <br /> The Cou nc i I referred the mat er to the Public Sa ety and Public Works <br /> Committees for recommendations to the Councl I. <br /> The Counci I discussed the possibility of setting a "policy" re street <br /> light requests and determined that the matter of a "priority J iST" <br /> or "guideline II st" be recommended by the Public Safety Committee; <br /> requests be checked by the Village office to determine if request falls <br /> into this list before referring to Council for aCTion. , <br /> . <br /> . REPORT OF COUNCILMAN RON HERRiCK - Parks and Recreation <br /> SUb-committee Real Estate Proposal <br /> Herrick reporTed That The sub-commiTtee Is ready to "go ahead" In <br /> some manner WiTh land acquisition, and recommended that the Councl I <br /> approve al lowing Mr. Buckley to discuss, not negotiate, park <br /> possibilities with property owners. Council concurred. <br /> Mr. Herrick reported that The Park Committee does not feel that 30 <br /> acres should be deleted from the park plan; feeling that the extra <br /> acreage will be needed. <br /> The Parks Committee Is prepared to explain why these acres are needed <br /> and where they are needed, he said. <br /> After discussion of the Park Plan, and Its eventual Incorporation <br /> in the amended Comprehensive Village Plan, the Council requested that <br /> a presentation of the Park Plan be scheduled at the November 12 <br /> Counc II meeting. <br /> It was reported that the School Olstrict is currently shifting the <br /> recreation program to the municipalities. These programs are self- <br /> sufficient; fees charged off-set costs of program. <br /> HerriCk requested Council approval to hire 2 Instructors for the Voiley- <br /> ba II programs sponsored by the Vi Ilage: <br /> Marge Ba II ey $3.00/hour <br /> Jed Knutllla Ii S3.50/hour <br /> HerriCk moved, seconded by Crichton, that the Cou nc II approve the <br /> employment of Marge Bailey @ $3.00/hr and Jed Knutllla @ $3.50/hr <br /> for three 8 or 10 week sessions of It-2hrs/nlght, for the i973- <br /> 1974 school year. Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> (It was noted that the accounting for these prog rams Is to be separately <br /> I dent I fled. ) <br /> Oak Wilt/Dutch Elm Survey <br /> Herrick advised the Counc I I of a problem re the regulation of Dutch <br /> Elm Disease; requesting Council approval for Mr. Buckley to draw up <br /> a proposed Dutch Elm Ordinance, or an amendment to the Oak WI It Ord.} <br /> . for referral to Attorney Lynden to draft and submit to Council for <br /> approva I. <br /> This proposal was agreeable to the Council; Buckley was aSked to also <br /> Incorporate, In the Oak Wilt Ordinance, procedures and regulations re <br /> Infected Red Oak Trees whiCh do not spread disease spores. <br /> Minnesota Recreation and Park Association M~etln~ <br /> Herrick moved, seconded by Crichton, that the Council approve Mr. <br /> Buckley's attendance at the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association <br /> meet! ng, November I, 2 and 3, at the St. Paul Hilton, at a cost not <br /> to exceed $55.50. Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> Letter to Council from Mr. Buckley Re Salary <br /> Counc II deferred action to Special Meeting on November 8, 1973 at 5:30. <br /> (Herrick will discuss matter with Buckley prior to meeting) <br /> -5- <br /> u -- <br />