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<br />Council Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />-2- <br /> <br />July 30, 1973 <br /> <br />spring. He said. other than the swimming pool, he proposes no other <br />changes In construction plans for this year. <br /> <br />AFter discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by Hollenhorst, that the <br />Council approve deferring of all construction completion dates by <br />90 days; completion of toe swimming pool by June 30, 1974. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Adams was requested to keep the Councl I advised of the status of <br />the proJect. <br /> <br />~ Case No. 70-30, Bussard Addition - Approval of Utilities and Road Plan <br /> <br />Attorney Lynden referred the Council to his report. dated July 30. 1973, <br />advising that the revised plan, dated July 27, 1973, has been approved <br />by the Board of Managers (Rice Creek Watershed District). providing <br />the storm sewer and drainage Is along the line botween Lots 7 and 8 <br />with discharge Into the rear portion of Lot 7 at the northeast corner <br />of Lot 8; the water flowing overland through natural vegetation at <br />least 200 feet before It enters Lake Johanna. <br /> <br />Mr. lynden noted that Milner Carley & Associates, engineers for the <br />developer. are asking Council approval of the amended plans and speci- <br />fication on a condition that no construction be commenced on the storm <br />sewer at the end of the cul-de-sac until the appropriate storm sewer <br />and drainage easement has been prepared by Mr. Bussard's attorney and <br />approved by Attorney Lyndon. Based on Mr. lynden's recommendation, <br />Olmen moved, seconded by Crichton, that the Gouncll approve the amended <br />plans and specifications (dated July 27. 1973). subject to approval <br />by Engineer D. Lund of detailed plans of the storm sewer and drainage <br />swall. <br /> <br />After discussion. Herrick moved that the motion be amended. adding <br />"and subJect to the self-Imposed restriction that no construction on <br />the storm sewer at the end of the cul-de-sac be commenced untl I storm <br />sewer and drainage easement be approved by Attorney Lynden". The <br />amendment to the motion wus accepted and the motion carried unanimouSly. <br /> <br />Anti-Trust Case <br /> <br />Attorney Lynden reviewed the letter of July 9. 1973. from Attorney <br />General W. Spannaus re~ardln9 an anti-trust suit against General <br />Motors. Ford and Chrysler. and recommended that Clerk Administrator <br />complete the questionnaire. The Councl I concurred with Attorney <br />Lynden's recommendation. <br /> <br />Ice Cream Vendlno Trucks <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Attorney Lynden advised that Minn. Statutes require that all food <br />manufacturers, processors and distributors be licensed by the Commis- <br />sioner of Agriculture and are exempt from the licensing requirements <br />of any muniCipality. except for licensing requirements which may be <br />imposed by a Municipality In which the manufacturer, processor or <br />distributor locates a plant; therefore, ice cream vending trucks. <br />licensed by the State, may legally operate their trucks In Arden Hills <br />with no licensing bv the Village. <br /> <br />The Council asked Attorney lynden to further explore this legislation <br />as to whether It Includes retail businesses engaged In the sale of <br />food and vending machines dispensing food. He was also asked If this <br />legislation supersedes Village ordinances, and whether Ice cream trucks <br />can be prohibited from operating in the Village because of safety <br />hazard, noise and/or nuisance factors. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />County Road E Repa!rs <br /> <br />Engineer Lund reported that he received a letter from Ashbach Con- <br />struction Company estimating the cost of pipe repair work on the County <br /> <br />-2- <br />