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<br />Councl I Meeting Minutes <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />J u I Y 30. 1973 <br /> <br />Road! project at $5,600.00; advising that he has not received a <br />roply from the other contractors contacted. <br /> <br />Mr. Lund said that the pipe work would be done In conJunction with <br />the county road repair work. <br /> <br />Since the estimated cost o~ over $5.000. the Council requested Engineer <br />Lund to contact other contractors. as well as Ashbach Contruction Co., <br />to see If work can be done for less than $5.000; If not successful. <br />Engineer Lund was requested to prepare an advertisement for bid on <br />the pipe work. <br /> <br />~ Gale Circle - DralnageProb~em <br /> <br />In response to Bul ldlng Inspector Squires' concern regarding a drain- <br />age problem on Gale Circle. Engineer Lund reported that the pipe In- <br />stalled by Mr. Kaus appears to be handling the drainage and should <br />work quite wel I; it may eventually have to be extended or replaced. <br />but appears adequate at this tIme. <br /> <br />Lind-Sturgeon Driveway <br /> <br />Engineer Lund reported that.ln his opinion. the Lind-Sturgeon common <br />entrance to their driveways Is in as good condition now as before the <br />sewer construction. He said there Is some evidence of blacktop visible. <br />but he did not believe they were blacktopped aprons. probably shingles <br />and blacktop. He estimated the cost of blacktopping the apron at $150 <br />to $200. <br /> <br />Olmen moved that <br />drlvG\1av BDrons. <br />not carry. <br /> <br />the Council approve the blacktop surfaclnQ of the two <br />There was no seco~d to th~ motion and the motIon dId <br /> <br />Clerk Administrator was requested to wrIte to Mrs. Lun~ and Mrs. Stur- <br />geon and advise them of the Council's action to not re-surface the <br />driveway apron and send them a copy of the EngIneer's letter. dated <br />July 30, 1973. <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER RICHARD O'KELLY <br /> <br />Treasurer O'Kelly reported: <br /> <br />Cash <br />FlrSt State Bank of New Brighton <br />Rosevllle State Bank <br />First National Bank of St. Paul <br /> <br />$ 4.572 <br />1.160 <br />18,869 <br />$24.601. <br /> <br />Investments <br />$15,000 of-cash to be added to $100,000, maturing <br />8/1/73. to be Invested for 30 days at 9.7$. <br /> <br />Treasurer O'Kelly said he expected Inter"est rates to climb through <br />October of this year. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCILMAN JOHN HOLLENHORST - Planning and Zoning. <br />Human Rights <br /> <br />Case No. 73-31, PII~rlm House Special Use Permit Renewal <br /> <br />Hollenhorst reported that the Planning Commission recommends Council <br />approval of the renewal of the Pilgrim House Special Use Permit. <br />1212 West Highway 96, on a permanent basis. explaining that no problems <br />have evolved or are anticIpated. <br /> <br />Hollenhorst moved that the Council concur with the Planning CommIssion's <br />recommendation. seconded by Crlchtor. Motion carried unanImously. <br /> <br />-3- <br />