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<br />Village Councl I Minutes <br /> <br />-5.- <br /> <br />July :50. 1973 <br /> <br />Hollenhorst - I guess my personal feeling would be that If you really <br />cannot maneuver the busses, It would seem that a slight extension. <br />so that at least you could maneuver them up against th9r building. <br />would be possibly reasonable, but I feel the obJections of the neigh- <br />boring property owners, going beyond that, would be a variance beyond <br />the intent of the ordinance. <br /> <br />Hudai la - The only obJections I recall. at my original request for <br />the rezoning. was the fact that we did Intend to level the whole <br />area. and It had to do with the drainage here. Dr. Houle was the <br />only one who voiced an objection at that time. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Herrick stated that the area was filled last year. without a permit, <br />and trees were cut down. Are there any trees remaining between the <br />hi II and the residential property to the east? <br /> <br />Hudalla - No; we cut those trees down before we were aware of the <br />required procedure to follow. I do feel we have the obligation to <br />re-plant trees, but I don't know what to do until I know what our <br />limitations are; consequently, the area rem~lns an eyesore. <br /> <br />Herrick - It seems you are Indicating that you Intend to continue <br />to exp and to the east as you r cant racts expand In serv Ices. I see <br />no other way to do it, because the District of Rosevllle and Mounds <br />View are growing, and you'll need more busses; so, our decision <br />tonight Is not Just on this piece, but potentially on further ex- <br />panslorl. <br /> <br />Hudalla - I really hope that with the expansion of the district. <br />we can on this same parking lot someday build an additional build- <br />Ing to double our building capacity. This was our original request <br />last year. <br /> <br />He rr I Gk - T<hen the re a I reason you des I re to expan d to the east. <br />rather than to the west. is to eventually make room for an additional <br />building. <br /> <br />Hudaila - We definitely <br />It would be an asset to <br />hg rather than outside. <br />was the original decree <br /> <br />need another building. If It is at all possible. <br />the community to have the busses In a bulld- <br />We would never expand Into the 200' which <br />of New Brighton. <br /> <br />Hollenhorst - I personally feel that we cannot consider an extension <br />to provide a 130' wide parking area without your considering going <br />to the west. I do feel you have a hardship case here. which Is worthy <br />of soma variance, but I don't think an extension to 1:50' Is the answer. <br /> <br />Hudalla - I think it's Imperative that we be granted a reasonable <br />amount of the hill area to allow us to use the engine heaters, <br />which are a necessity In the winter time; we need more room to man- <br />eUVQr these busses. <br /> <br />Oluen - If you came out :50' (about half the regular distance). It <br />would allow you an area to swing the busses. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Hudalla - Yes; this would help. <br /> <br />'~ollenhorst - Must you use these heaters on that side of the bui Idlng; <br />can't you relocate to the west side? <br /> <br />Hudalla - It would interfere with gassing on the other side and the <br />office area. <br /> <br />Herrick - Those are just plug-in heaters. You can run a line to <br />most any area of the property. <br /> <br />Hollenhorst - If this Is the case. I don't feel comfortable at all <br />about seeing much of an expansion to the east. <br /> <br />Crichton asked Attorney Lyndon what leeway the Council has In granting <br />a variance for a non-conforming use. Lynden, after reviewing Attorney <br />Courtney's letter of October 9, 1972, said hl.s opinion Is that a <br />variance could be granted if the Board of Appeals. Planning Commission <br />and, ultimately, the Council decide that the variance Is warranted. <br /> <br />-5- <br />