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<br />Village Council Minutes <br /> <br />-3- <br /> <br />June 25, 19 73 <br /> <br />After discuasion, Eollenhorst moved, seconded by Crichton. that the Council approve <br />the Final Plat or Townhouse Villagc~ at Arden Hill., Third Addition; autborizinB <br />execution or the plat by the Mayor and Cler~ Administrator, subject to Council <br />approval of the Development Agreement End Open Space Easements and Covenants (third <br />addition) and subject to Attorney Lyndon's a~proval of the Registered Property <br />Report. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After assurance by Attorney Lyn.ien tbat the Development Agreement and Open Space <br />Easements and Co?enents are basically t.he same as the agre~ent for additions <br />one and two, and that the bondi-ag recetved, covering additions one, two and three, <br />is in order. Crichton moved, seconded by Rollenho:l'8t, that the Council approve <br />the Developlllent Agre_nt, .us p>:eseDted, and authorize its execution by the Mayor <br />"nd Clerk; motion carried ~nanilQo\1llly. <br /> <br />,- <br /> <br />Herrick moved, aeconded by Hollenhorst, that the Council l1;>prove the Opeu Space <br />Easement aud Covenants, third addition, aa presented, and authorize its execution <br />by the Mayor; motion catried unantmouoly. <br /> <br />Eo11enhorat moved, s~conded by Crichton, that the Council authorize the 18suanc~ <br />of Building Permits for Addition Three, Townhouses Village at Arden Hills. subject <br />to Attorney Lynden's approval of the Registered Property Report. <br /> <br />After discuaBiOXt; Hollennorst lfithdre"._hisnlOtion sn.dCcrichton uithdJ:l!W his secon~) <br /> <br />Hollenhorst moved, aeconded by almen, that the Council authorize the issuance of <br />Building Permits far Townhouse Villages at Aruen Hills, Thi.d Mdition. Motion <br />carried (Crepeau, HolleDhorst, OlmeD voted iu favor of the llIe,tion; Crichton and <br />Her~ick in opposition). <br /> <br />Case No. 73-3, C. G. Rein - Special Use Permit for PUD <br /> <br />Mr. Randy Sl.ll!Iuelnon, Mr. Cecil 'famman and Mike Rich explained the site plan changes, <br />necessitated by the creation of the ponding area which Engineer M...!.ke Rich and Vil- <br />lage Engineer Don Lund proposed, and which the Rice Cre~k Watershed District. bas <br />spproved. <br /> <br />Mr. TaIOJ!!an SlmiIllarized the developt:lent proposal and distributed data to the Council <br />to conobor.".lte his verbal description of the development. <br /> <br />Councilman llollenhorst reported that ~le Planning Commission has recommended Council <br />epproval of the Special Use Pe~~it for the construction. of the Planned Unit Develop- <br />ment, 3S presented with the emended site plen. The Council referred the preparation <br />of the SpeCial Use Pe~1t to AttoPley Lynden for Counoil consider.ation at the <br />Councilll!eeting of July 9, 1973. Atto::ney Lyndan W/lS requeeted to consult with <br />C. G. Rein, the Planning C~issiou end Village personnel ~e data needed to prepare <br />the pe~it and/or agreements. <br /> <br />londing requirements are to b~ deter~i"ed when working dra~ing9 are available for <br />consideration by the Planning Commisaion and Council; required bonds to be sub- <br />mitted before building pe~its are iS3ued. <br /> <br />Long Range 1'1a11 - Memorand\llll vg <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Counci~an Crichton the den3ity tabl~ included in Memorandum VII. which <br />~a~ prepared by Planner Shetler and considered by.ti,c Planuing Commission at its <br />Special M"3t:!.ng on June 19. He suggea;;ed that ","'lml dwelling units per acre be <br />established, not: types of housing unit,,; objected to the table, &Iil presented. <br /> <br />Planner Contract ~~iration <br /> <br />Cuuncilmau Rollenhorst advised the Cowlcil that the Village Contract with Planner <br />R. Shetler of John Darling a.,.d Associates expires in July. He requested that <br />comments fron the Council and Planning Commission're planning services be sub- <br />mitted for Council consideratIon prior to the July 9 Council meeting. Deputy Clerk <br />Dorothy Zahm to obtain comments from Planning Coemission. <br /> <br />Herrick otated that he felt the planner's reperte have not been of the quality we <br />have receiv~d in the past. <br /> <br />-3- <br />