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<br />, <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />Minutes of RogU!Of CouncIl Meeting <br />P~gc TOUr" <br /> <br />April 9, i973 <br /> <br />I ~t w~s st~tGd th~t tho object of <br />~ppllcatlon for what the PIGnnlng <br />~>o approve.l <br /> <br />the referral Is to get ~ proper <br />Commission has recommended the Council <br /> <br />~~No. D'.=I, Btlthel College - Lot Spilt <br />P.01io~horst described the lot spiot rsqo.~t and reported that the <br />Pl:3nnlng Commission racoll!mollds approval In COl!lp~ lance with Planner <br />Shetijar's report of March 20, to spilt the footage down the middle, <br />bot~aan tho buildings; moving lot Ulne far enough so no variances are <br />t"oqu I rod. <br /> <br />Hoij!anhorst moved that the Coullcll concur with the Planning Commission's <br />rocommandatlons, as outlined. Motion was seconded by Olmen. <br /> <br />4ItAfter discussion, the motion and second were wlthdr~wn. The Clerk was <br />raques;tsd to notify BEly!'le! College to comply \11th the reconllllendatlons <br />of tlla P!annlng CommissIon. The Council deferred actIon ont;H3 appll- <br />c~tlon until Bethel Co!!ege 15 In compliance. <br /> <br />g~~GNo. 73-2. Duane Long - Garaqe A~p"catlon for Variance <br />Hoi!$nhorst reported that the Planning Commission recomm0nds Council <br />IhHila! of tile garage vllrl8nce and the garage "door height variance, as <br />Iroquested. <br /> <br />After discussion, Crichton moved that <br />P~annln9 Commlsslon~s Tocommendatlon. <br />and carried un5nlmously. <br /> <br />the Council concur with the <br />Motion was seconded by Hollenhorst <br /> <br />Me", Long asked If It would be posslbia to Docato tho garage Into the <br />h I ai, ai.tachedtothe house, and lUll> adv I sed that I f he attaches. the <br />garage to the hoyse, and does not encroach on the 40 foot front set- <br />beck requirement, no variance would be nGoded, and the building permit <br />eRn be issued by .the Building Inspector. <br /> <br />g!.59 No. 73-9 ~ Pl'll!ltOl1'"- - Th.-eG S lj:1n App-LLS,all~1I!I <br />HolIG"hor~t movod that tha Councl! concu~ ~Ith the Board of Appeals <br />!lnd POllnnlllg Commhsloll recommendations to dlssapprO\fCl the t\110 signs <br />propoSGd at Highway 96 and HIghwQY 10 CPermit No. 73-991. and Hamllne <br />AV0r.~a at the north corn~r of the ?emtom property {Permit No. 73-98), <br />The motion .as sacondsd by Oimen and carrlad unanImously. <br /> <br />Ho ~ U 3I1hol'$;1" rl!lpo!"tad that the sign at ";"ho entrance to 1"1'18 Pemtom <br />dcyelopment was r~comm&nded for Counciil approval by the Board of Appeals; <br />nt;'i"ln9 "~hat It hOlS ;J! ready !:leafl orGc'(Gd at tlH! proposed ,. I te but I Ii <br />obvious violation 01 the 25 foot s&tb~ck requirement. <br /> <br />HI'. Hoij '0llho,"st reported '\"Hlt tho Phmning COlllllllssior. recommended <br />,.~,ti -"h1!l!! I ng of fila sign fo!" eroct l!'Ig the $ i gn bOlfore 2l perm I t had been <br />g:~"cntf~':1.. <br /> <br />AfTer discussion, Holianhorst .ov~d that ths Clerk notify Pamtom that <br />the sign, sa er~Ctad. Is In violation of the sign ordlna~ce; requesting <br />th8t dr~wlngs be submItted &s to how they propose to correct the sign <br />so the Planning Commission call act proparijy on the application; request- <br />f:<J "fha..... th~~rc;Q;}ici:.t~ '~~Lr8~'"~ing.s b(;~1 5ub;~i'{)'ut.\ tor P3anning Commissio,n <br />acol1SicJerlltlOi! lit Its S:p.eelal Mec-tlng Ou! AprlU 11, or the sign Is to be <br />~rDffiovad. Th. motion was seconded by Ol~~n B~d ca~ri8d unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />Case No. 73-18, Thomas Llnd~r6n - Varlanc~ Requests <br />Hol~Gn~orst moved that the Council concur ~lth the Planning Commission's <br />recommendatIon to approve ths garage variance, as requested, and to. <br />appr?v8,the 6 foot fence proposed on th& south side of the prop~rtYI <br />p0~mltting ext~nslon of the fence to the g~ke a~ f~r as permitted by <br />tha DDpartm.nt of Natural Resources. MOYlan was s0conded by DUman and <br />carried unanlmous!y. <br /> <br />CocoaJl actlan on thG varl~nce request for the 6 foot fence along the <br />north sid~ af the property ~as tabled until the adjacent neighbor can <br />be consutijed r. the propos.'. <br /> <br />-4- <br />