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<br />'. i' <br /> <br />Minutes of Rogular Council MeGtlng <br />Paga 1ive <br /> <br />April 9. '973 <br /> <br />Hum!)" R I gilts Comrn I "5 I on ~1iPo i ntmGnY . <br />Ho~lenhorst recommendeo T at Mls~ Joan feyerelsen be appointed as <br />Junior Ad Hoc Mo~b.r of the Human Rlght~ Commisslo~. <br /> <br />The Council concurred with the rocommendatlon, and Meyor Crepeau ..d. <br />tha appointment; term of appointment to be until December 31, 1973. <br /> <br />~~man Riahts Meotlng <br />"o~ lanhorst advl!:ed the Counell of IS meeting on Wednesday, May 9, 1973, <br />at 7:30 p.m. at the Ard~n Hills Branch of the Ramsey County Library, <br />end requested that as ~lSny attend as possible; Mr. Sam Richardson, <br />State Director of Human Rlghh wlil bCllthe sZ'oaker. <br /> <br />.HQiienhorst reed tho filer pro~osed to be Includod In the utilIty <br />1lllng, and moved Council approval. The motion was seconded by <br />Crichton and carried unanlmou~ly. <br /> <br />(It ves noted that costs Involved In preparing the notice ere to be <br />chargGd to the Human Rights Co.mls5Io~.) <br /> <br />R-POR'" .".,. ."" ''''l.'''' ~u"l'r'" ". CR ICHTO" - :;I...."i'~c c..,,_: O~"I~.~n~~ RhyleW <br />It.. t w.. ""~""""'l.' ~ ,-.:..~~~ IJ'~~';~ l>.~~ _. 413 y '" "'"'U' '" W ...;.:I n.... '"'''''' .". 'If <br /> <br />Valentine Park Dralna~e <br /> <br />Crichton reported that from his review and consultations re this <br />proposed drainage improvement, it appears that the ditching along <br />the south and east of the park. as proposed, will take care of <br />drainage from Glenview Avenue and the extreme outfield, but will <br />have little effect on the playing field. <br /> <br />He suggested that in addition to the proposed ditching, a ditch <br />be placed on much of the west side (flowing south) and the area <br />along first base lIne be graded towards the ditch. In addition, <br />grade the area along third base line toward County Road F and <br />improve the existing ditch. The total should improve the overal I <br />situation, but may not be a complete solution. Sloping of the <br />entire infield and outfield toward Lake Valentine may end up as <br />the only solution. <br /> <br />Slimmer Help <br />Mr. Joh~nsen explalnod the need fo~ three summer employees, and Hollen- <br />horst moved, seconded by Olmen, that tho Co~neil approve the hiring of <br />the thr$e employees, as requested. Motion carried (Crepeau, Holl.nhortt, <br />Oim.n voting In favor of tho motion; ~richton voting In opposition). <br /> <br />Plc,kup Truck <br />Mr. Johansen presented pickup <br />Ford <br />Chevrolet <br />G.M.C. <br /> <br />- <br />truck bids on the <br />$2534.00 <br />$2536.00 <br />$2245.00 <br /> <br />fol lowing: <br /> <br />After discussion. Crichton ~oved, seconded by Olmen, that Council <br />approve tha purchnso of the Chevrolet, ~s d3scrl~ed. Motion carried <br />unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />AlIS::Illtle Pllrchtlse <br />~. Johansen I'JI:lVlsed ths Councl i of <br />In purchasing gas; stating that gas <br />He said Its Is prezentHy b~ylng ijOOO <br />Br I ghi'oil. <br /> <br />the difficulties he h~s <br />Is not ~v~il~ble by th~ <br />g3~!on tloads fra. Joe's <br /> <br />encountered <br />tanker. road. <br />in New <br /> <br />TI113 Coullci! lMJggested ttll~ p05sibl! Ity of buying through JoInt purchl!lslng. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN RON HERRICK - Porks and Recreation <br />(Ropoh"t by Philippa 1.111I.!.qulst) <br /> <br />Villaga Hal' Site Improvement <br />Mrs. Lindquist reported that t~@ Parks and Recreation Committee Is <br />currently r~wlawlng the pluns and .p~clflcatlons and seeking new bidders; <br />report will be r.ady ~or tho ns~t Council me.ting. <br /> <br />rh~ Co~ncl! ~smlndsd Mrs. Lindquist that the plans and specifications <br />~er8 revorrod 10 Mr. Buckley and the P~rks and ~ecreatlon Committee to <br /> <br />-5- <br />