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<br />Ragut~r Counc~ ~ Mlnu'~Gsd <br /> <br />-4- <br /> <br />Sept. 25, 1972 <br /> <br />After considerable discussion, tho Council took the following action: <br /> <br />I. A copy of Planner Shetler's long renge proposel Is to be <br />ssnt to the Parks and Recreation Committee for consIderation <br />01' th~lr next ~eeting. <br /> <br />2. The $2,500 short range propo~al of Planner She1"ler's was <br />i'sbled. <br /> <br />3. rh~ Council wi II provide Attornev Courtney direction regarding <br />known conflIcts botWG8n ordinances, aSking him to cleer-up <br />the ordinance deflcloncles. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />4. Tho PIDnning Co~mlssion end the Parks end Recreation Committee <br />are to furnish Mr. Courtney with all known ordinance conf~lcts. <br /> <br />5. Plnnn8r Shotler to be advised thot Attorney Courtne, fs working <br />to cie~r up obvlolJs f)roblolffil'J and Mr. Shatlar Is to provide <br />Impu7 to the project on basis ot his experience with our <br />ore! i fHH!CilS. <br /> <br />!~otlon ~Hl!; m<Hl~, by Herrick, second"HI by Henderson, that Attorney <br />Co~rtn0Y b@ glvon the respo~slb!llty of clearing up existing ordinance <br />,~o~fl!ct5 Bnd th~t Plenn$r S~at10r ~ork ~Ith him es an edvlsor; motion <br />carried ~n~nlmously. <br /> <br /> In F.~~ - COda Enforcement Officer <br /> <br />Motion was made by Hollenharst, seconded by Herrick, 1"het the selary <br />vQr Code Enforcament Lorry Squires be r&158d from $1.50 per hour to <br />$9.50 per hour, ant that ~hc ~lleogs r~te be raised from IO~ per mile <br />to 15' pGr mile, effective Octo~sr I, 1972. <br /> <br />Ch~n!:le,jll PI!J~ln!l Permit.f'Gcs <br /> <br />Motion wa~ m~d~ by Holisnhorst, scconded by Ol~n, that the below <br />11~te~ chang9s In plumbIng permit fees bre ~pprovGd, effective October i, <br />1912 ; <br /> <br />Propos(;o <br />ExL;ting, Nekf <br />f'"H'IAI t Pennl t fee PQ.rr.i1 t Fell <br />""--_............._""'---~-=--""~-=-=-,-=----------- <br /> <br />Ordlnallce <br />No. 93 <br />Mo. 126 <br />No. 56 <br />1>\0. 126 <br />No. 103 <br />No. 49 <br />No. 103 <br />No. 826 <br />No. 93 <br /> <br />Flxtlia"OS. n n;? <br />- $~ch edditlonal <br /> <br />~"OO <br />.75 <br /> <br />5.00 <br />2.00 <br /> <br />\%C! <br /> <br />"'J~50 <br /> <br />8.00 <br /> <br />Cosspooi/S~pt!r. TanK <br /> <br />1.50 <br /> <br />15.CO <br /> <br />~l~~tor lh'''~~3" ~e'4etHGi~')g 'd1f1fJ <br /> <br />ao~oo <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Chengs-ower. S.w~r <br /> <br />7.50 <br /> <br />12.00 <br />12.00 <br />6.00 <br />8.00 <br />8.00 <br /> <br />S~wnr line, fnciud5ng Tep <br /> <br />lO.GO <br /> <br />Ch~~g~-ov~r. W~t*r <br /> <br />5.00 <br /> <br />Rn.... ~ :H~pcct ~ O~$ <br /> <br />7,,~O <br /> <br />Tilg vCjjliihin~) i1'lSIH;H~tor "i"o receive 80% 0\' !l~rmit fee; motion carried <br />!lOUI1 i,nclls Iy. <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN E. GRAY HENDERSON - Finance <br /> <br />!JIIS'!:rc 50\"$1" lflte~~"eetll1il <br /> <br />CounCIlman ~ende,zon reported utte~danC0 at a Metro Sewer Board meeting. <br />of September 21, and a pOltponement af the Subject to another meeting <br />scheduled in two <br /> <br />-4.. <br />