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<br />H~C ~ M~~ting MJnutes <br />i\~") 9.J~ 'h10 <br /> <br />August 26, i972 <br /> <br />REPORT Of VillAGE ATTORNEY VnNCENT P. COURTNEY <br /> <br />CaS0 No. 72-32L Pemtom, ~nc. <br />Attorney Courtn,,)!' refar;-ad tha Coyne I I to Attorney Lynden' s letter <br />of F!Ilbruary 28, 1912, and to the VII ~age EnglnGer's letter of Jan- <br />uary 26, 1972. re the drainage ~, the Pemtom property. He said he has <br />not seen any additional roports, to date, which would change hIs <br />opinion. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Engineer D. Lund distributed copies of his report, dated August 28, ~972, <br />to the Council lInd Attorney Courtney ( a copy was also given to the <br />McC~ungs) 'or consideration. He reviewed the report briefly, and, after <br />discussion, Mr. Jim HII~ (Pemtom) requested ,that a moetlng be scheduled <br />b9tlHleD'the r~eC i ungs, the V I U age Eng I neerand V II B age Attorney and <br />PemtoM re tb~ drainage metter, aDd requested that the Council defer action <br />until the ID@~t Council meeting. The Coune!!\ agreed to this procedure. <br />" <br /> <br />The Council also referred tho matter of thG $50.00 donation per housing <br />unit by Pemtoll!, to tho VI !lage Park system, to the Village Attorney to <br />detormlne Its I&gailty re ordinance requirements for a Planned Unit <br />Development. <br /> <br />Case No. 1i-,n, [lr!yfu~ ~ni'Grstate Development: Company <br />AtY(H'!i'l<ilJl Dnk, r-~Ilre$eni-l 109 Dr@yfus-Tii'1'EH"s'tate Deve B opment Co., \'Ias <br />present llJnd odvls<1Id the Council tll!lt r<!lvhed recroatloll plans helle <br />boen pro!Osntod to till! Parks 1l1l<d FhJcV"Gat Ion Carom I tt9l\l, whl ell wera 's\loreb I" <br />rocelved. Hfl said that Ore,'u$ has 81~o m@~ with the Vlllege Engineer <br />/'Inti II Ii U l:Ig~ f' ij 3l~Ul@lr ,but hG has not yet SiSen tileS€! reports. He asked <br />that. the Councildafor lllctlofl untl! theSE! reports cen be rOIlIGlI;i<lld. <br /> <br />Tho Coullcl U sgr€}od to 120161' action \llltll SOlltcnlbe'," U i, 1972. The Chtl'k <br />'lias. d II'OCh'Il:ltO.S\_l:'Hl4 cOop las 01 I'llll'ks and ReCf'GlItlon M I ilutes, Eng I 11801' D 5 <br />Report end PIIllI'Hl,aI"S RepoL"t h) DrlllVfus I!l"ld 1'1:1<1 COllncl1 lllGlllberS, and II <br />(:opY 01 thC/l Pllrl~!l a lid , RGcrillll'l'I cm t.t I nut0' <<August i 5. 1972) to tile V I ~ gage <br />A.tV</f"II oy . - <br /> <br />BetlleJ Co ~ I ill!!:} S<m Ihry Sewer Pr~ I!)(~t <br />'At1'IOr-1l6y~Cm;rtll~'1 I'O\' I iil'lled Af-to;-neylynden'!; i etter o'f August 22, i 972, <br />and. aft9r dlscl!5si!lg tllG filU <HId el'lc<'lvatlng. which \<IllS apparolltly <br />CQ11llll0need "lii-hollt a permit, tho Cierk was roqll8sted tlO ask Code Enforce- <br />mellt Off I CIilI". R.!9rry Sq!J I res. tel determl no il' el'lcall'at I em and/lOr fill WillS <br />con'/' III1Ied after'i'hG c(),nti'a,;:)'or lias req!Hits'red '1'10 stop these operations. <br />Th.~ mllttClf' ""as r-ehlf'I'"IH:l 'to I\t.~Qrney Courtney '1'10 detElrm~tl~ whothel'" an <br /> violatloll bas been committed and report tlO tile Council. <br /> <br />W~~Jr~p~Overn9~t 66-~ <br />kFl'ol"l'Hl1f COl!r'tuw'f i"@'/iel,ad h I ~ ~ ettsr 0'1.111 i'Y 26, 11972, end the attached <br />r3!Hlr"h from At,tol'"I1CV $<1 U I) ~IH:l. Cop i os 01' ths er.t I re report ere to be SGilt' <br />.to'rh0 COIlI1~1 &Ily ...,,,:') CGGt-;, U:::c'\l~cl hlllJl1 Hl'lr!"'!c~~ has 1'I8r~ady rElCilIhed a <br />c'~fJlVl' . <br /> <br />AlO)( Ch'lestu i k 11'5. Arden Hi i is <br />, iVtfo1"nay COl!r'rney and Eng Illear::' l.und were 1I11i-hoi" i zed by the Coune Ill!) <br />~ap~~sent tha VI!!Bge of Arder. Hi! Is on this claim. <br /> <br />. REPORT' OF 11 I UAGE ENG WEER DONALD LUND <br /> <br />SOa!iCo~.l.!l90fV! I rr'L\l!. StraeE__~ d -labuHl!ri) on <br />1:;091 n~er Lund d I strl !:luted cop I as of Tabu ~ at Ion of 61 cls, Project: Sea IJ <br />Coating. He advised that two bids were rl'lct3lva!:l, and he recommended <br />'t.hat tho Council a~!ard tll.a bid to tlw apparent low-bidder. T, A. SChlfsk,y <br />and Sons, Rile., in tha 6mount of S4,603.50 <br /> <br />Attorney COtH -~l'lillY advised 'rhe Coune I! that ttHl bid bond Is in order. <br /> <br />01men movad, seconded by HoUienharst, that tha Cauncl! award the bid <br />t.1O T. A. Schlfsky and Sons. ijroc. in the almOUn'f of $4,603.50. Motion <br />carried ur.animous~y. <br /> <br />Rice Creek WatQr Shod District <br />Ellgllleer-l,;nd revl~a ftett&. ',om t~e Rice Crsek Water 'Shed District, <br />dated August 22, U972. After dlzcussion, Eng!nG~r Lund was requested <br />to cOllfer with Mr. Sherm Goldberg, RoseviuUe, and to report to the <br />Council re the powers of the .at~rshed D!strlct. . <br /> <br />-2- <br />