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<br />Minutes of Council Moetlng <br />Page foul" <br /> <br />He reported that tho Cash Balance In New Brighton bank will be <br />lowered eventually to about $3.000. <br /> <br />March n. 1972 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />He reportod Investments as of March 31, 1972 to be $606,500. <br /> <br />Safekeeplna Account - Resolution No. 72-!4 <br />Upon tho recommendation of Treasurer O'Kelly. motion was made by <br />Hollenhorst, seconded by Herrick, that Resolution No. 72-14, estab- <br />lishing a safekeeping account with the First National Bank of St. <br />paul, be approved. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />REPORTOfI' COUt!l(Hl:.rq^~ JOHta K\I}LI:.IEl'4HORST - flannlng and Zoning and <br />. Ordinance Review <br />Or~yr~9 ~nT~I"SYaY~ uevelopmwnT ~ompanv <br />Councilman Holleoherst requested that Engineer Lund Inform the <br />PlllInlllll'lgColllmlsslon wbether or not any additional engineering <br />and drainage l~form8tlon is needed re the propOS8d Oreyf~s project. <br /> <br />Csse No. 72-6. Preliminary Plat - Elde Terrace <br />Motion was made by HolDeehorst, seconded by Henderson, that the <br />prellmlnall"y plat for Elde Terrace, 115 submitted with Case No. 72-6, <br />be approved subject to the conditions listed by the Planning COmMis- <br />sion on March 7, 1972. Motion carried unanlmousDy. <br /> <br />Indoor Tennis. In~.. Special Use Permit <br />Councilmen UoDlenhorst announced that 8 public hearing will be held <br />on March 20, 1972, by the Planning COtlImlsslon, on the proposal of <br />Indoor Tennis, Inc. to build a private tennis club In the Ylllage. <br />He asked that the Ylllage Engineer's report on the plan be ready for <br />Planning Commission consideration at that tlllle. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Cas. No. 72-02. Subdivision Variance <br />Motion was lIIade by HoUlenhorst, seconded by Horl'lck, that the CouncIl <br />concur with I'~comm.ndatlon~ of the Piannlng Commission, and that <br />approval be given the variance request, SubdIvision Ordinance No. 98, <br />Sec. 13, permitting the addItion of a 50' x 283' parcel to the east <br />of th~ 150' x 283' Sitzmark Ski Shop property, as shown on the site <br />plan submitted with Cas. No. 76-49. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Case No. 70~4. St~te Highway 5~ Proposed Reconstl'~ctlon <br />Councilman Hollelllhorst reVle~8d the recommendations of tho Planning <br />Commission of March 7, 1972. Great concern was registered to the <br />potentia! hlgh~a, noise and Its effect to area residents, If the <br />proposed signal lights are InstaUled at Highway SI and Snelling Ave. <br /> <br />Mr, HoU~ehhorst reviewed a bulletin which had prior study by the <br />PlannIng Commission; HUD - Noise Asse~ment Guidelines, prepared by <br />the United States OopartmGnt of HUD. <br /> <br />Aftar further discussion, Council directed Clerk Administrator to <br />write to Highway District Engineer Merritt requesting the foilowlng: <br />~. That H!g~way Departmen' reconsider Instai~atlon of the <br />traffic !I~ht at Intersection of Highway II and SneUilng <br />Avenue. <br />2. Study Increes~d causes of traffic nols8, pal'tlcu~al'lly <br />"stop and go" traffic lIlolsClsnd traffic nolge liS related <br />to moaB traffic speed. (Refer to pages 8 and 9 and page II <br />of the HUD bulletin.) <br />3. That the speed limit O~ Highway 51 at a point north of Co. <br />Road E, and going south. be reduced to 50 m.p.h. and that <br />sIgns be InstalDed advising motorists of "Residential <br />District Ahead - Bilnd Approach." <br />4. That the HUD - Noise Assessment Guidelines be given study <br />by the Highway Departmont. (The bulletin 15 on file at <br />the Village Office.) <br /> <br />le Islatlve Action Sub-committee <br />MI'. Ho Uenhorst repor e on s first attendance at the Loglslatlve <br />Act!on Sub-committee dealIng with the subject of tax relIef on hom8$ <br />for the aged end also private homes owned by the. aged. The next <br />committee meeting will be on March 29, 1972. Any Input from Village <br />officials wilD be welcomed and should be submitted to Mr. Hoiienhol'st. <br /> <br />-4- <br />