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<br />Minutes of Council Maating <br />Paga foui'" <br /> <br />February 14, H972 <br /> <br />REPORT OF COUNCilMAN RONALD HERRiCK - Parks and Recreation and Human <br />Rights <br />Rink At'i"endllnt <br />Motion was made by Herrick, seconded by Hollenhorst, that Russell <br />Goudge be hired as a part-time Village rink attendant. Motion carried <br />unel'l!mousiy. <br /> <br />Parks end Recreation Committee <br />MotIon was made by HerriCk, seconded by Hoilenhorst, that Janet <br />McTavish be appointed as a member of the Parks and Recreation Committee. <br />M~+ion carried unanimouSly. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Hyman Rights Commission <br />MOllo" was mede by Herrick, seconded by Hollenhorst, that the 1972 <br />Hum~n Rights CommIssion be appointed as per attached list. Motion <br />carrlad unanimously. <br /> <br />COllnty Me i ntenaltce Eq~1 pment <br />CowncllmlH1 Herrijc;k rap,orfed an In'toI"G!5t by Shol"evlcw and Arden HH Is <br />re an agreement with Ramsev County for Joint use of County-owned <br />maIntenance or othsrequlpment. /IIr. Herrick asked Clerk AdmInistrator <br />StromquIst to write to John Milton, Ramsey County, letting 'the County <br />knol'l that we are lntorested In 'the possibility of such an agreemoll't. <br />(Copy of ~otter tob0 sont to Shoreview.l <br /> <br />REPORT OF MAYOR' HENRY J. CREPEAU, JR. - G~neral Government and <br />Pub Ilc. Safety <br />Poi! Ice Oft Icer <br />Mayor Crepeau rill fer 1"'1111 the COline I I a memo from W. Ruppel, Chalrmlln <br />'of the Pub II c Slllfety CO!llm I ttOlll, r0quest I ng pllJrllll 55! on to II I re an <br />addltlon.1i po~ Icaoff.!cer. The Mayor said that the State and Federal <br />$oVllll'flm'IHlt wi U [I.reUmburS8 the 111 U lag3 1101" twe~vl!I months ef tralnlilg. <br />Mtth"ome reimburgllme,~t Into the second yoar ef training. <br /> <br />Ho saUd tile poG!CG department wil~ be short-handed about t",eDv8.weGks <br />throlDgh tho vaceUol1 parled. Nayor Crepeau said the mamo Is considered <br />J!'If,ormatI Ol'le[I and that 110 Council action ill rsquested at this time. <br /> <br />,flog p",,:tro I <br />Y!'IY. Cr>opeau reported t!l;!Jt both Shorey I e~r and Arden HI i ~ s are Interested <br />!,nsomo type 01 joint dog plltl"OU a'l"i3ngament. The Public: Safety Commit.., <br />fc,e.\1H3 lIork w.lth Slwrevl.9W 011 dll.~tlH1So . <br /> <br />t;:;)"!> Mal"shal <br />S.h'-'r~'I"~;'\1 and NOl"tll O:~ks are r.o'i' Interested ~n a Joint agreement with <br />ArdlH'l H I ~ ij s for a F! r.l I~l!lrshill i., The Pub I U c Sa 1ety Comm I ttoe recommends. <br />'that .Arden HI HSilppO Jnt a f 1 rEl Marsha!. and that ~ll". Harry E~ I ers be <br />~~nslderlld for the jo~> on a part-tlmo basis. He wow~d work for Arden <br />H.I!Us through the 5'1'''''';-0 Fire MarShal's Office. $900 has been budgeted <br />1,or U 972 for slIch sond cas. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />..JheCollne U I asked the Pub II c Safety Carom I ttee to pro\ll de .the fo' low I fig <br />Ir,for'mat! on ro the matter: <br />I. A detailed d~scrlptlon of the Jo~ to be done by a Fire <br />Marsha I . <br />2. What benefit would Arden HI D :[s reeeha from SUCh services <br />over and above what we now .have wIth our fI re protect Ion <br />contract? <br />3. The CounclU reeUs that the fire department now receIves <br />II large amount through contract payments and pension aids. <br />Couid the services of ill fire Marshal be provided by the Fire <br />Qepartment Gfi the contract wo lI~ready have with thorn? <br /> <br />RC~ M~etl~ of Febr~~ry 16. 1972 <br />COllnCTiman Ho! I <2l1lr.ors'l voillnteered to represent Arden Hills at the <br />f1lgetil1Qo <br /> <br />OrdlnancG Re~athng .to Narcotics IInd Drugs <br />Upon th~ recommendllflcn of Mayur Crepeau and the Public Safety Commit- <br />tee, the Council referred the ordinance dreft to the Village Attorney <br />to study Gnd, !f ha feels It to be effective, to be put Into proper <br />legaD form for Council consideration. <br /> <br />-4- <br />