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<br /> .. <br /> Minutes of F:agu! '3r Counc i i Hee tin 9 Novernbe r' 24, 1975 <br /> Page th ree <br /> Ordinance No. 92 Section -, <:2) - I nterpretati on <br /> , <br /> Lynden re fer re d Counc i I to his opInion I et1-er date d 11-21-75 re <br /> I ntorp retat i on of Section 7(2) of Ord. No. 92, >lhich prohibits the <br /> grant! ng of a license for operation o'f a liquor establishment .. <br /> .. . <br /> on an'f premises on which tax>)s, assessments or other financial <br /> claims of the V i II age are delinquent and unpaid." <br /> Lynden advised that a Minnesota municipality has no authority to <br /> levy a tax other than the rea I p rope r-ry tax 3nd a wheelage tax; the <br /> ordinance reference to "taxes" therefore, In his opinion, can re fe r <br /> only to rea I p rope rty taxes due and payable ,~gainst the premises on <br /> wh I ch McGu I res I s conductin~: i t~; liquor vending operation; therefore" <br /> payment of rea I Drop e r"~y taxes ! 5 a con d it i on pl-ecedent to the granti n9 <br /> of a liquor Ilcensss. <br /> . Mr. Don Smith, attorney representing MMIR, explained that MMtR (Gary <br /> Ski e and Leonard Kn lor) have been try i n g , ova r the past Ii years, to <br /> reso I ve this almost impossible 'financlng situation; has been I mprove- <br /> ment; have been negoti ati ng for additional mortgage money; have been <br /> granted a 5 -mon th redemption period to resolve finances, but must <br /> have a I I quor' iicens.s to Itmake a go" of this situation. <br /> Smith said Mr41R wants the taxes pa I d, as does the City; taxes will <br /> be paid prior to next May, either by the partnersh I p or by the bank <br /> I f it takes over. <br /> Sml th said he does not agree with opinion of Attorney Lynden; Coun ty <br /> i s the tax co II ect in g agent of municipalities - sees no reason why <br /> City cannot collect Its own taxes; sees no reason to make payment <br /> through the County. Smith said aiternatives would be to close McGulres <br /> or become involved In 1 itigatlon, neither of which they desire to do, <br /> In discussjon.. the following polni-s were noted by COllnci I: <br /> 1 Minnesota S'~atlltes state that the County shall co Ilect <br /> ' . <br /> a II taxes; City operates under the mandate of the State. <br /> 2 . The V i I. aqe Ordinance I s a ve ry "standard" I iquor ordinance, <br /> 3. City officials cannot collect taxes; I f City rece I ved d i rec1' <br /> payment, Ramsey County would req ues"i" money payment for <br /> distribution to other agencies i.o whom taxes are owed. <br /> 4. The re Is apparently no w'~y that partia t payment of taxes <br /> can be paid and "ear-marked n for certal n purposes. <br /> (Smith argued that i n paying a II taxes, ~1~11 R is requested to pay County <br /> and School District -;-axes, as we II as City taxes, to retain Its <br /> Village Li quor LI ce"se.) <br /> 5. Ordinance 9"' does not ~ave a variance provision to p rov i de <br /> <. <br /> for a waiver' of any 0'; the requirements; only way this <br /> could be aCGomp! ished would be to change the 0 I'd i nante. <br /> Mr. Ben Caputo, Mortgage Banking Officer, First Wisconsin Mortgage Co., <br /> said he Is an observer tonight, and adv I sed thE' Councl I that First <br /> \'/i scons i n National Bank I s the mortqagee which has foreclosed its <br /> mortgage upon the tvlcGui re '5 pr'Jpert'! . He advi~,ad COline I I that FI rst <br /> Wisconsin i s capable of managing the property in 11 responsible manner. <br /> . At te r discussion, Counci I concurred that '~he re is no action it can take <br /> re this matter. <br /> Lynden advised that he has received the Arden Hill s Liquor License <br /> applications for 1976, which he wi I ; review prior to Counci I 's con- <br /> s i deratIon at the Coune; I meeting on December 8th. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGI NEER DONALD CHRI STOFFERSEN <br /> Indian Oaks TIlo Improvement 8i9.~ <br /> Christoffersen referred Coune i I to his letter of November 24, 1975, <br /> and attached tabulatlor of bids received for Indian Oaks Two san~tary <br /> sewer# watermain and street construction. <br /> -3- <br />