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<br /> Minutes of Regu;ar' Cou/lci I f"~e 2 .:. 1 rl!~ !Iovember 24, 1975 <br /> Page four <br /> Christoffersen reported that i"he ;ow bid ot $41,211,25 was that of <br /> C. W. Houle Landscaping Compa"y, lnc.. of St. Pau! . Christoffersen <br /> advised that, Tn the i r Investigation of past pertor"mance of C. W . <br /> Hou Ie Landscaping Company, they fin d that the company has completed <br /> work of a s i m I I ar nature as that being cons I dei-ed on Indian Oaks Two; <br /> recommen ds that Counci I a\~ard the bid to C. W 0 Hou Ie Landscaping Com- <br /> pany, the low bidder. <br /> A f te r dElter.~ i n i ng that "the deve lope r has not indicated any reasons <br /> why the bid should not be awarded to the low bidder, Woodburn moved <br /> that Counci I accept -the bid of C . W. Hou Ie Landsc~ping Company, In <br /> the amount of $41,2 I I ..25 fot" sanitary sewer, wafermaln and street <br /> construction In Indian Oaks Two; authorizing p reparat I on of contract <br /> documents by the Vi II age Engineer. Motion was seconded by Crichton <br /> and carried (Woodburn, Crichton, Wingert, Crepeau voting In favor of <br /> . the motion; Feyeraisen abstaining) . <br /> Representative Howard Nelsen <br /> Representative Nelsen expressed his des Ire to keep the I I nes of com- <br /> munication open between a II levels of government, and briefly discussed <br /> a recent meeting at Spring HI II (attended bv 77 officials representing <br /> various levels of government) regarding "training" of newly elected <br /> and app.ointedofflcia . <br /> Counci I ~X~i~Sc::Qn r.or rns re proposed land use planning legislation <br /> which seems to dictate planning to munIcipalities, rather than sImply <br /> coordinate the various City plans. <br /> Counc I I expressed concern ,-e the appointments c"f=, the Met ro Counc i I <br /> ,. <br /> Advisory Bo a r d by the Metro Counci I ; suggested these appoi ntments be <br /> by the Legislature, and possibly be substituted by a Board of Appeals <br /> which would report to +he Legislature, providing some legislative <br /> review, and another route to f-o I ! ow for the municipality. <br /> Councl I also expressed con ce rn re losses to Arden Hill s as the result <br /> of the Fiscal Disparities law; appear to be in0qulties which should <br /> be corrected. <br /> Reg! stered Land Survey - Ludlo,",s <br /> Lynden referred Counci I to his lett<3r of 11-20-75 re Easement Agree- <br /> ment and Declaration of Restricted Covenant, noting exception In <br /> restriction in perpetuity of any structure or building (Paragraph B.I ) <br /> except ".. .. of such bui Idings or structures which are designed for recrea - <br /> tional purposes only, including but not I iml ted to, a tennis court <br /> or swimming pool..." <br /> A f te r discussion, Coune I I briefly discussed th€: rami fications of the <br /> "exception" noted by Lynden, and agt-eed that Easement Agreement and <br /> Declaration of Restricted Covenant be approved with The changes recom - <br /> mended by ATtorney Lyn den. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE PARKS DIRECTOR .IOHN BUCKLEY <br /> Cab for Massey Ferguson_ <br /> Buckley referred Council TO his memo of 11-21-75 re HeaTer Cab for <br /> Massey Ferguson, advising of thrfle quotes he has rece f ved: <br /> . L-Z I~anufactur I ng $1295.00 <br /> Farm Ser"v I ce 1342.00 <br /> Midway TraCTor 1600.00 <br /> A f Te r discussion, Cr I chTon movllid t seconded by ~ioodburn, that Counci I <br /> aUThorize the purchase of e I "~ho r the; L-Z Manufacturing cab at $1295, <br /> or the Fal-m Servl ce cab at $1342, fo r the Massey Fe rguson tracTo r, <br /> provided .Johansen and Buckley concur" 011 the ol1e to be purchased; OTher- <br /> wise decision sha II be re-ra"fe,-red to Counel I . Motion carried un an I - <br /> mously. <br /> Approval of Winter Pr~gram I ns'iructors <br /> Buck ley referred Council to his memo of 11-21-75 re Parks and Recrea- <br /> tion Department Instructors and S a I (! ry Aoproval for Winter Programs. <br /> -4- <br />