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<br /> ~ <br /> Mi ilutes of [<aguiar Council Me,31 ng November 24, 1975 <br /> Page five <br /> A He r review and discussion, Crichton moved; s'~conded by Feyerelsen, <br /> that Ccuncll authorize the r-ai-es and Individuals named on Ii st (memo <br /> dated I I -2 I - 7 5) through G! r I s Gymnastics. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by Wlnge,-t, ttlat COlln': i I authorize the Figure <br /> Skating rate @ $6.00/hour and Boys Basketball ,ate Ij $2.50/hour as pro- <br /> posed for the Winter Programs, pending approval of II st of Instructors <br /> and officials, prior t) starting the programs. Motion carried unan i - <br /> mously. <br /> Temporary Park Maintenance Employee <br /> Buckley referred Counc il to his memo of f 1-21-75 re Hiring Temporary <br /> rep I acement for Bruce Nielson. <br /> After discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by \"ingert, tha t Counc I I <br /> . approve the temporary employment of Doug Fish for Park Maintenance <br /> at $3.10/hour from December 15, 1975 through January I, 1976. Mot I on <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Valentine Park Shelter <br /> Buckley reported that the Valentine Park shelter has recent I y been <br /> re-slded; siding was donated by r~r . Wi !Iiam Wegleitner. <br /> Counc i I requested rkNillsh to send a letter to Mr. Wegleitner, expres- <br /> sing COllnci I's appreciation for the donated materials; an Appreciation <br /> Certi f i cate 'from the Pa rks and Recreaticn Department also to be sent <br /> to Mr. Wegleitner. <br /> Perry Park Improvementf:.. <br /> Buckley referred Counc'l to his memo of I I -2 I - 7 5 re Review of 1975 Site, <br /> Improvements and requested approval of the add i'r i on e I expenditure of <br /> $2,450 for imp rovementri in Pe r ry , Floral and Ingerson parks, as listed. <br /> Buckley explained '-hat the $18,298.81 expenditure to date for Site <br /> Improvements includes about $8400 for terf1i s court I I ghts whiCh was <br /> actua 1 I Y budgeted in 1974; consequently, the re is an approximate <br /> $2300 balance In the 1975 bud(JZt for site imp rove men ts . <br /> After discussion, Council euthorizad the requested additional expendi- <br /> tures for site irnprov9ment-s up to ti18 amount budgeted ($15,800) , pro- <br /> vided the 0'''13 r-a II budget of :;69,951 is not exceeded. <br /> October 21 Parks an d Recreution Committee Minutes <br /> Crichton referred to the Mi nutes cf the Parks and Rec reat i on ~leetlng <br /> of October 21st which refers t.o a map depicting a pa rk in the Johanna <br /> East neighborhood, i n -i-he area of the T.C.C.H. proposed development. <br /> Buckley said he wi II of'epare the described map for Parks and Rec rea- <br /> tlon and Council rev i e\\{.. <br /> Lift Station Camouflage <br /> Woo db u rl1 noted the proposed 11ft station camouflaqe In Pa rks and <br /> Recreation Minu.tes of November 18th re stations on Highway 10 and <br /> Red Fox Road. Wood~L!rr, asked i f plans have been prepared for the <br /> Ingerson Road lift station, no'~ under construction, which the Pub lie <br /> Works Committee had referred to the Parks and Roc;-eat i on Committee for <br /> landscaJ}ing suggestions. <br /> . Buckley was req uested to include the beautification of the I nge rson <br /> lift st;~tion when HI(Jhway 10 and Red Fox Road stations aesthetics <br /> are cons i dered. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE BUILCING INSPECTOR LARRY SQUIRES <br /> Squires re fa rre d Council to hi 'i memc of 11-21-75 and reviewed the <br /> status of construction at McDonalds, Cardiac Pacemakers and Carroll <br /> Furn I tut"e. <br /> Ene rqy Conservation Seminar <br /> Squires discussed a few of the conservation regulations which become <br /> effective on Feb rua ry I, ! 976. 1~ I th Council, expiainlng that the new <br /> regulations are aimed at n6\'-J construction only, not repai r or replace- <br /> ment In existing structures. <br /> -5- <br />