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<br /> ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - NOVEMBER 10. 1997 10 <br />. Mr. Fritsinger noted several access points along the corridor and that there has been an indication <br /> that they will be closed with the grade separation, He stated there are currently six to seven <br /> single family homes with access trom Highway 10. Mr. Tolaas stated the grades on Highway 10 <br /> will not be changed and access will have to be provided to the frontage road, <br /> Mr. Tolaas stated the City originally took a position against grade separation at Highway 10, He <br /> stated MnlDOT is not holding the City "hostage" but has identified there are larger issues which <br /> need to be addressed. He stated the City could take a strong position on the type of intersection <br /> they would like constructed at the intersection of Highways 10 and 96 and the County will work <br /> with that. However if a grade separation is constructed, MnlDOT may reconsider cost <br /> participation, <br /> Councilmember Malone asked ifthe "fly over" could provide a bypass lane to allow access to <br /> Highway 10 northbound and the same type of access in the other direction. He stated he believes <br /> there are options to provide access at that intersection. <br /> Mr. Fritsinger asked about the RFP worked on with the 1-35W group and how many issues <br /> would be addressed by that study. Mr. Ringwald stated the main connections would be looked at <br /> as well as ways to enhance access to I-35W, <br /> A resident of the Arden Manor Mobile Home Park stated that she can currently access Highway <br />. 10 or 1-35W. She inquired regarding the future access options and if they will be more difficult <br /> than currently exists, <br /> Mayor Probst suggested Staff work with the County on a reasonable timeline to work through the <br /> decision process, He also suggcsted that this issue be addressed again at a future worksession at <br /> which time diagrams of a broader area can be discussed with MnlDOT representatives. Mayor <br /> Probst stated the residents can then be invited back for further input. <br /> Councilmember Aplikowski inquired regarding the area of separation between the roadway and <br /> mobile homes. Mr. Ringwald reported that the mobile home park SUP authorizing this use does <br /> prescribe all setbacks, This information has been provided to Ramsey County. <br /> Mr. Tolaas stated it may require setback variances to recapture the impacted lots, <br /> Mayor Probst commented on tlle need to determine a time line so residents are aware of when a <br /> decision will be made. He thanked residents for coming. <br /> 2. Case #97-24, Variance - Side Yard Setback (house & deck addition), Arlyn <br /> Solberg, 3232 North Hamline Avenue <br /> Mr. Ringwald stated the applicant is requesting approval of a side yard setback variance for a <br /> house addition (three feet proposed when 10 feet is required) and for a deck (six inches proposed <br />. when 10 feet is required) on a single family lot zoned R-L He explained that the applicant <br /> wishes to construct a house addition to expand their kitchen to the northeast side of the home. <br /> The house addition would be approximately seven feet, six inches in width and nine feet, nine <br /> inches in depth. The applicant also wishes to construct an attached deck directly south of the <br />