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<br /> - <br /> . <br /> Minutes 0'1 Regular Counci I flfteet 1 np De ce mb e r 27, 1977 <br /> Pegs th rea <br /> as described; authorize issuance of the Building Permit, subject to: <br /> ! , Approval of the City Building Inspector, En(llneer and Attorney <br /> c' City Attorr,ey I s app rova I of reso I ut i on 0'1 the park dedication <br /> ~ . <br /> 3. Rece i pt of 3 landscape bon d in an amount to be determined by <br /> the City Planner. <br /> Motion carried unan i l~OUS I y, <br /> Community Comp rehens I v~ Plannino Fund Entitlement <br /> . Wingert referred COlJnci I to his memo 0'1 12/22/77 and ettached Community <br /> Grant Application dr,3ft. <br /> A fte r rev i ew an d discussion, Cri chton moved that Council authorize <br /> the City Planner to prepare the necessary documents, based on the memo <br /> and application prepared by Wingert, applying '1or a $4,085 grant. <br /> Motion was seconded JY Woodburn and carried unanimously. <br /> REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> Investments <br /> T r'easure;::-[ a mb reported the fo I I o~' i n g investments tota II i ng $585,000: <br /> !OO,OOO lor , month at 6.6% <br /> 1 <br /> 150,000 for 3 months at 6.8% <br /> 185,000 for 6 months at 7.05% <br /> 150,000 for 9 months at 7. 15% <br /> Cr- i chton moved, seconded by Hanson, that Counci I ratify the investments <br /> as repo rte d by T reas u re r Lamb. f'.'ot i on carried unanimously. <br /> OTHER BUS'INESS <br /> Bu"sard Court Drainaqe <br /> Attorney Lippert rev' awed the chronological his to ry 0 f events re I ati ve <br /> to tr,e drainage on the Car I son lot ( Lot 10, Block I, Bussard Addition); <br /> requested the City to authorize Installation of the dra I nage pipe <br /> within -rhe dra I nage and ut i Ii ty e,osement between lots 9 and 10 <br /> ( 10' on ea ch lot) ; s-'ated it i s the City's obligation to red i fy the <br /> dral naqe matter; has -rempora r i I y called off orne restraining order, <br /> pending Counei I 's rGsolutlon of this matter, <br /> Hanson moved, seconded by Crepeau, that Counc i I authorize the City <br /> Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for the drainage pipe <br /> installation project within the ut i Ii ty and drainage easement; <br /> de"elopar to reimburse Cfty fo~ costs estimated at $3,200, <br /> 'I n discussion, Cri ch--on and Winge rt eXJl ressed uncertainty that the Clty <br /> is responsible; '1'ge I the matter is between the developer and the lot <br /> owner; owner of land I s responsible for dra I na(!e on his 9 rope rty . <br /> ~!o"l or. did not carry (Hanson, Crepeau votinq in 1.avor of the motion; <br /> . Crichton, \4lngert, 'oJoodburn vot I n g in opposi ti on). <br /> Cr0peau and Hanson offered to meet with the developer to try to <br /> resolve the matter dLlrii1g the first week of J an u a ry . Lippert was <br /> asked if' his client .ould be I nte ,'ested In assuming one third of the <br /> $3,200 estimated project ~ost. Lippert said he prefers to have the <br /> matter r-eso I ved w; tl1 th,a Developer' as suggested; will contact the <br /> City on January 6th r'e outcome of the meeting, <br /> Park Dedication Sta;'ls :'leport " F I a he rty , s ArDen Bow I <br /> Crichton noted that the Flaherty Arden Bowi site encompasses three <br /> par ce Iso f land; queried whether' a I I th ree parcels sho'Jldbe subject <br /> to park dedication for the en I arged building and re qui re d park i n g . <br /> Council concurred that the parcel on which the existing buildin(! i s <br /> located shOuld be exemp7 trom park dedication; 10% pa,-" dedication tc <br /> be negotiated on the two parce I 5, ml nus the pond area, <br /> -3,. <br /> ____________..__m__ <br />