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<br /> . <br /> Minutes of Regular Councl I Meeting October 31, 1977 <br /> Page th ree <br /> Woodburn moved, seconded by Hanson, that the Counci I authorize <br /> the Installation of the two "Stop" signs and the "Keep Right" sign <br /> by the City. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 000 Ordinance Enforcement <br /> McCall suggested that, In view of the change from and Arden Hills <br /> Police Department to Ramsey County, dog ordinance enforcement be <br /> contracted with either MAPS I or New Brighton. <br /> After discussIon, Crichton moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council <br /> authorize the execution of a contract with New Brighton to enforce <br /> the Arden Hills Dog OrdInance. Motion did not carry (Crichton, <br /> Wingert voting In favor of the motion; Woodburn, Hanson, Crepeau <br /> . voting In opposition). <br /> Woodburn moved, seconded by Hanson, that the Council authorize <br /> Lt. McCall to hire a Community Service Officer, to enforce the <br /> Dog Ordl.nance effectl ve Immediately untl I December 3 i , 1977, and <br /> authorize execution of a contract with the Brighton Veterinary <br /> C II n I c for dog Impounding to coincide with date CSO Is hired. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> (Doug McCall to memo Council re CSO appointment at $4.00/hr. until <br /> December 31, 1977) . <br /> Letter of CommendatIon - Lt. McCall <br /> Mayor Crepeau read a letter of commendation from the Village Councl I <br /> to Acting Pollee Chief Doug McCali. <br /> Status of Pollee Officers <br /> Major Jones, member of the Public Safety Committee, asked Council's <br /> consideration of rank and status of several Arden HII Is Pollee <br /> Off I ce rs.;. a II have served the City wel I; suggested that their <br /> current rating will affect their rating with the County when transfer <br /> to County Is effected. <br /> Reoular Status - Officer Goerltz <br /> Woodburn moved, seconded by Hanson, that Council approve Offl cer <br /> Steve Goerltz as a Regular Ful I-time Arden Hills patrolman effective <br /> Novembe r I, 1977. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> App rova I of Planner's DeveloplnQ Concepts tor LlghtlnQ and LandscaplnQ - <br /> County Road E Business District <br /> Council expressed general agreement with the concept study which <br /> should Include Connelly Ave. Wingert agreed to discuss the matter <br /> with Planner Miller re anticipated costs and report to Council. <br /> Human Rlohts Commission Brochure <br /> Hanson reported that the Human Rights Commission req uests Counc I I '5 <br /> approval to re-Issue the Human Rights brochure which outlines the <br /> purposes of the Commission; desire to advertise the membership of <br /> the Commission and to Include verbatum State Law. <br /> . After discussion, It was the consensus of the Councl I that the <br /> brochure be re-Issued; names of the members of the CommissIon not be <br /> Included; brochure to Include changes In State Law only. <br /> (McNlesh was requested to submit names of persons Interested In <br /> appointment to the Human Rights Commission to Councilman Hanson.> <br /> Appointment of Board of Appeals Chairman - Shashl Surl <br /> Mayor Crepeau appointed Shashl Surl as Chairman of the Board of <br /> Appeals for the balance of 1977. <br /> Wingert moved to approve the Mayor's appointment, seconded by Hanson. <br /> Motion carried unanlmQusly. <br /> Reouest to Attend Minnesota Recreation and Park Association Conference <br /> Crichton moved, seconded by Hanson, that Councl I approve John Buckley's <br /> attendance at the MI nnesota Recreat i on en d Park Assoc lat I on Con fe rence <br /> and authorize payment of expenses In the amount of $52.00. Motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> -3- <br /> -- -- ---------- _. <br /> ----- <br />