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<br /> . . . <br /> - <br /> .' <br /> Mlnutas of Regular Co~ncit M~9t~ng October ii, 1977 <br /> Page two <br /> Truman Rovce asked to have meeting post-poned and moved to a I a f'ge r <br /> meeting place: people cannot hear from the office area and from <br /> oui'doors. <br /> Counc I I discussed the postponement request; decided to try to accom- <br /> modate the people in the Councl i room by removing the ~halrs and <br /> providing standing room for all pi"eseni', so that ail who wish to speak <br /> can be heard. <br /> Ted Rovce said he can talk for ai I here: thinks the world of the <br /> Arden Hills Police: aH want the Arden Hills pollee to stay. <br /> (Discussion was Interrupted at 8:00 p.m. for Bid Award - General <br /> . Improvement Bond Series 3.J <br /> General Improvement Bond Sarles 3, Bid Award <br /> FI sea I Consu~tant Peter Popovich reported that the bids on $1,765,000 <br /> General Obligation Improvement Bonds, Series 3 were opened at 5:00 p.m <br /> at. his Office; City Treasurer Donald Lamb was present: four bids were <br /> received. Popovich distributed copies of the bid tabulation Indicating <br /> results of sale: BancNorthwest (low bldderl with a net Interest rate <br /> of 5.IB03% (bids ranged from 5.1803% to 5.317178% Net Interest), <br /> Popovich advised that the I nterest rates are In line with current <br /> market conditions and recommended adoption of the resolution accepting <br /> the BancNorthwest bid. <br /> Hanson moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Councl~ adopt Resolution 77-62, <br /> Resolution AcceptIng The Bid On The Sa!e Of $1.765,000 General Obli- <br /> gation Bonds, Series 3 And Providing For Their ~ssuance. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> (Police Services Discussion was re-opened.) <br /> Norb Soukup !TI I ier Lanel said he Is weil-satlsfled with our Police <br /> Department. <br /> (lnaudlbLe,_ said matter should be brought to a vote; speaking of the <br /> .hea'th and we~fare of The peophl of Arden HIHs. Woodburn advl,sed <br /> that It Is not legal to decide by referendum (1954 Attorney General <br /> Opinion: raaffl rmed In 1968). <br /> Crepeau advised thaT Ramsey County will have II car In the Village <br /> 24 hrs. a day: .the sama as now; coveL"age loll i I be the same but will <br /> cost less; wll I share cost of administration with other cities contract- <br /> Ing with Ramsey County Sheriff. <br /> Woodburn saId both departments have same union; therefore, employee <br /> costs wi II be about the same; oth3r cities (Shoreview, Falcon Heights, <br /> North Oaks, etc.l are very satisfied witb Ramsey County service. <br /> Donna Caro~, said If we keep our police, we'll have to up-date It for <br /> emergency service. Woodburn advised that Arden H!lls police have had <br /> first aid training, as does Ramsay County; If C!ty wants emergency van <br /> we will heve to purchase the van; Unity currently provIdes paramedics <br /> . and cost Is borne by persons requ!rlng the service. <br /> Crichton said that In adopting 1978 budget, Counc! I decflded to e~imlnate <br /> the emergency van: additional training of men is necessary to prOVide <br /> ~hls emergency service; If want<!ld, van can be purchased. <br /> Peter SclLap"!' said that spending $8,000 wouU be worth saving a fell 1 ives; <br /> heTd rather go In a Ramsey county Sheriff van than walt for Unity <br /> ambulance to respond. <br /> Charlgtte Swank stated that Unlty's response time was about 10 minutes, <br /> and ~fflc3r Fish escorted ~hem to her townhouse: vary satisfied with the <br /> service. <br /> Clark AdaLr. sal d he Is famll iar wIth emergency medical sSG"vlce; Is worth <br /> the Investment TO get an emergency van which is really a transportation <br /> veh I ci e. <br /> Crichton noted that the dflfference In medical service Is not the discus- <br /> sion; it is the same whether Ramsey County or Ardsn Hlils pol ice. <br /> -7-- <br />