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<br /> " . <br /> Minutes of RBgulur Councl I Meeting October I I, 1977 <br /> Page th rea <br /> Steve Colestock said in former years, Ramsey County may have made some <br /> sense; now Arden HII Is is expanding by tremendous developments; If dIs- <br /> solve our police department now, we' r I want our own department again. <br /> Roseville is the best police department in the arell; service Is excel- <br /> lent. You state the "morale" of the Arden Hills pollee Is bad; this <br /> has to be "bunk"; they are going out of their way to do a job for the <br /> City. Colestock said "bigger Is better" is not true; have dedicated <br /> officers - only way to go is to keep our departmsnt. Colestock said <br /> Doug McCa II has dona a tremendous job as Acting Police Chief - is <br /> dedicated; difficult to find in a large department. <br /> Crichton said that McCall is one of the candidates for Chief; recom- <br /> mendations have not been made to Counclr as yet, pending determination <br /> . of whether or not the Arden Hills Police Department Is retained. <br /> Shlrlev Tufte (Dunlap) said the Arden Hills police greeted them when <br /> they moved to Arden Hills, sees Arden Hills police In her neighbor- <br /> hood, likes hevlng a police department she knows; good for children to <br /> know police are there to help them. We know our police; lets keep <br /> them. <br /> Donna Slmontella (sp?), Arden Manor, said she used to work nights; felt <br /> secure because Arden Hills policed in the tral~ar park, would respond <br /> in a few minutes. Crepeau said It could be that we'd have the same <br /> off I cers It we go Ramsey County. <br /> Ted ROYce said he can't believe there's one kid In Arden Hills that <br /> does not have respect for the Ardon Hills officers; they understand <br /> the kid~ and the kids, the poJ ice; this makes the difference. <br /> Lynn Roach said she doesn't believe that by holding a meeting In a <br /> room this size, the Council is doing the job they were elected to do. <br /> Schrader - a new comer to Arden Hills, said he would not heve moved to <br /> Arden HII Is if he thought the pollee department was to be abolished. <br /> Brandt Kretch said he has been happy with the Arden Hills police; <br /> dedicated service all the years he has i Ived here; would like to keep <br /> the pollee force if at ell posslb~e. <br /> Frank Stanton, resident since 1950, Is interested In the Police Depart- <br /> ment; is on the committee to screen and select a Police Chief; recogn I zes <br /> that a fine po~lce department must have a leader they respect; If we <br /> cannot get a strong chief who can command respect of ail the officers, <br /> It Is time to make the very dlfficu(t decision, which may not be popuHar, <br /> but honest, end teke advantage of fu!ler service with strong leadership. <br /> Crichton said that if we cannot gst a leader, then we should go with <br /> the County. <br /> Hanson expialned that the Councli has been concerned about the depart- <br /> ment since the retlrem9nt of the Chief; asked Lt. McCaii, in March, on <br /> a temporar~ besls, to shape ~p the deperTment during periOd of time <br /> Counc II looks for a chief. <br /> ,. Bob Witt said he can underst~nd toe poor morale of the department; asked <br /> w~y it has been 8 months without a leader; level of training Is the <br /> responsibility of the Council. <br /> Woodburn said this Is correct; department has been operating short-handed; <br /> resources are limited; difficult to send key people for training and <br /> cover the shifts with number of officers we have. <br /> ~ seld it Is poor judgement to dissolve the department when City has <br /> surpius funds; asked what department will cost to maintain and the <br /> reason Counci i wants to dlsso~ve police department. <br /> O~e Locey said he discussed the matter with residents on Ingerson Road; <br /> would fsv.or Ramsey County service - are not under the impression we'd <br /> get less service, same people would serve the City if we ask for them, <br /> except Ramsey County cannot take on the part-time officers. <br /> Crichton explained that we'd have 6 officers with Ramsey County; 6 <br /> officers, plus a Chief, If Arden Hills department. <br /> -3- <br /> -------------^-- <br />