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<br />, , . <br /> Minutes of Regular Coune; , Meeting October II, "977 <br /> Page four <br /> Loc~ said he understands City can contract for any service it desires <br /> with Ramsey County; same amount 8S we have, or more If desired; training <br /> Is expensive and equipment Is expensive; Ramsey County can provide <br /> flexible hours and we'll have better service because of the training <br /> situation - man can be rep~aced with another, if one officer Is In <br /> training. <br /> Captain Spencer (Ramsey County) was aSked how service would be affected <br /> if one of our 6 officers is sent to school. Spencer said the contract <br /> Is for service 24 hrs. a day (If that Is the contract) whether man Is <br /> being trained, on sick leave or on vacation; if two calls are received <br /> at the same time, both will be taken care of. <br />. Locey asked what cost difference will be? Crepeau answered it 'is esti- <br /> mated to be from $6000 to ~3,000 (depending on how comparisons are <br /> made); probably a difference of $16,000 the first year; could be an <br /> additional $9,000 - $10,000 the. next year. Chief Weber (Ramsey Countyl <br /> said the savings will come because of centralization of administration; <br /> of which is shared with other cities contracting with Ramsey <br /> County; by State Statute, a~1 costs 8ttrlbut~d to each city are separately <br /> accounted for; City pays costs according to leve! of service requested; <br /> has aval lability of additional cars, If wanted on an emergency situation <br /> and/or simultaneous calls. <br /> Janice Cheney, 1732 Venus, <employed by Falcon Heights) said she signed <br /> the Petition; has now read 4 months of Ramsey County Sheriff reports; <br /> agrees with Captain Spencer - when car is needed, a car is provided; <br /> had a triple need in Falcon Heights - 2 squads and a transport vehicle <br /> were provided In 3 minutes response time; completely backs Ramsey <br /> County which gives Falcon Heights Immediate response. - <br /> Crichton noted that If Arden Hills needs assistance, New Brighton, <br /> Ramsey County, Roseville etc. respond at our request now. <br /> Woodburn noted that he discussed Ramsey County police service with the <br /> City Manager of Falcon Heights; expressed satisfaction with the service <br /> and response time. Woodburn said the Councl! Is charged to provide the <br /> service whiCh Is considered to be best for the citizens of Arden Hills; <br /> we are working together for each other. <br /> Bob Anderson said he believes the Arden Hills officers are dedicated; <br /> Ramsey County will also be deGicated; does not fee! 8 large force will <br /> "s~ough off"; .e'~1 get as good, j f not better, service. <br /> Dee BrlnQelson (sp?) . said there is a tenor running here of a "big mess"; <br /> If we requast Ramsey County, do we have the same officers or will we <br /> have different faces? {Spencer said YOU'll normal~y have the same <br /> peopie.) Brlngelson asked how the officers feel about transferring; <br /> there Is something to say for a SMa!! department. <br /> Crichton said that all but one officer prefers an Arden Hills department; <br /> have to make decision of whether to contract 01" maintain our department <br /> before City attempts to gat a cll j af. <br /> B~b Witt said the Public Safety Committee Is in favor of keeping the <br />. Arden Hills department. <br /> 'Barbara Brlnk,Glenhlil Road, said she Is trying to be ObJective; lived <br /> .;I}\Faicon He(ghts and twice witnessed response time of 5 minutes or less <br /> by RaMsey County, with a follow-up by Sheraff to see If all was o.k..; <br /> q,uerlad what wi i f !lappan to current officers - promotIonal possibilities <br /> etc. - w II ~ they at il be rookies? <br /> Sponcer explelnad that aVilryone with two years sei1iorlty wi I i carry It <br /> wlth him to the COllnty, and wi i I be id IglbOe -to take promotional exams; <br /> salary wlO~ be ~he same or higher, depending on how City scale compares <br /> with County (same union); officers wi i i be the newest In the department - <br /> ~~il be e~igib~e for vacation, sick ie~ve, fringe benefits, etc.; will <br /> carry least seniority for I ay-ofts etc. .(never have had a lay-off - wi ~ i <br /> probably have to add about 30 people In 1978.1 <br /> Ron Herrick, Cariton Drive, said he finds It hard to express his opinion; <br /> thinks very highly of the Arden Hf~ls officers; opportunities they will <br /> have with Ramsey County are greater than Can be given by the City; City <br /> needs. continuity of service; currently have several officers who feel <br /> -4- <br />