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<br />Minutes of Speciel Councl I Meeting <br />Page four <br /> <br />July !9, 1976 <br /> <br />Christoffersen noted several alternative possibilities cf Providing <br />sanitary sewer and water uti Iltles to the plat, and after discussion, <br />Wingert moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council approve Resolution <br />No. 76-36 authorizing Christoffersen to prepare feasibi Ilty report <br />for the provision of sanitary sewer and water to the entire Karth <br />Lake area not now served (Hamllne Avenue to Lexington, south of <br />Highway 96.) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Wingert moved, seconded by Crichton, that Councl I refer the plat <br />to the Parks and Recreation Committee for Its review and recom- <br />mendations to the Counci I re tral I and park dedication, and to <br />Planner Fredlund for report to Counci I re lot sizes and need for <br />variances as revised. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Case No. 76-12. Amended Special Use Permit for Bul Idinq Addition - <br />BI ue Fox Inn <br />Wingert described the proposed addition which wi I I provide an <br />additional 68 ~seats (total of 219), requiring 73 parking spaces <br />(89 provided) and referred Counci I to Planning Commission Minutes <br />of 6/30/76. <br /> <br />After review of the building elevations, site plan, landscape plans and <br />memo from Squires (7/14/76), Woodburn moved, seconded bv Feverelsen. <br />that Counci I approve an Amended Spe,ial Use Permit to construct <br />an addiTion TO The blue ~ox Inn, in conformance with plans submitted <br />(dated received 6/30/76)0 Motion carried unanlmouslyo <br /> <br />In discussion of plant sizes proposed, Goldberg said ths plantings <br />will be tal: (visible over the parked carsJ. <br /> <br />Case No. 76-7, Wayne Gonnella - Commercial Bul!dinq <br />A. Rezonin~ from R-2 to R-B <br />Wingert explained the purpose for the request to re-Zone <br />from R-2 to R-B Is to bring the use of the land into <br />keeping with the commercial corner (now a service station <br />on the site) to al low commercial use of the corner, but <br />restrict the uses to which the corner can be put. Wingert <br />noted that the Comprehensive Plan Indicates the corner as <br />commercial and moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council <br />approve the rezoning of Lot 13, Block 2, Dalsorar. Addition <br />from R-2 to R-B. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />B. Special Use Permi~ <br />Wingert explained that Mr. Gonnella proposes to construct a <br />building on the let for two commercial uses - a John Deere <br />consumer products franchise and a radio dispatch desk; <br />bui Iding to be 60' ): 70' in sl ze and will replace the <br />existing service station (30' addition may be added at some <br />future date as shown on site plan (60' X 100' in size))o <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After review by Wingert of neighborhood concerns expressed <br />at the public hearing and review of the site Bnd landscape <br />plan (6/30/76) and proposed bui Iding elevations .!hich were <br />displayed by Mr. Gonnella, Woodburn moved, seconded by <br />Wingert, that Counci I approve the SpecIal Use Parmit for <br />the construction of the commercial building In accordance <br />with site plan dated 6/30/76; construction drawings to be <br />submitted to Planning Commission and Count! I tor approval <br />of Bui Idlng Perm:t and compliance with approved site plan. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />(It was noted that sign approval Is not Included In the site plan <br />app rova I. ) <br /> <br />Case No. 76-16, Big Ten Supper Club - Variance for Siqn <br />Mr. Welsch described the nsed for replacement of his ex'sting sign <br />Which Is approximately 25' In height (10' sign on a 15' pole); <br />sign has been damaged by trucks. The proposed new sign is B' X B' <br />and would be erected on i'h<l existin!] 15' pole (total height - 23'). <br />Welsch explained that the 23' height is needed for visibi lity from <br /> <br />-4- <br />