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<br />Minu;-es of Regular Counci I Meeting <br />Page two <br /> <br />July 12, 1976 <br /> <br />After discussion and review of the points noted in reports from Lynden <br />(7/12/76), Christoffersen (6/29/76) and Planner's memo, and discussion <br />of the proposed grading and landscape plan with Pat Flaherty, Council <br />referred the plans to Planner Fredlund for his recommendations to <br />Counci I re proposed changes, eliminating private parking on the street <br />rignt-of-way (except parallel parking along curb), widening road- <br />way to 36' to permit adequate radius for turning of semi-trucks and <br />emergency vehicles, providing better delineation of streets, provid- <br />ing alternate parking for stalls now indicated in right-of-way areas. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />County Road F Improvement - Easement for Easterly Watermain Extension <br />Christoffersen referred Council to his letter of July 2, 1976, In <br />which he indicates three alternates to Council for the easterly water- <br />main extension. <br /> <br />After discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council <br />authorize the Vi I lage Attorney to contact Mr. Reiling and obtain <br />the said 15' easement, as described by Engineer Christoffersen. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />(Christoffersen reported that Rei ling had offered this easement for <br />the future construction of the watermain to serve his property; <br />probably can be obtained therefore for $1.00 compensation.) <br /> <br />Application for Final Payment - Allied Blacktopping Inc. Sealcoating <br />Project <br />Christoffersen referred Council to Application for Payment No. I & <br />Final, from Allied Blacktop Co. and recommended payment thereof; re- <br />porting that Sealcoatlng job has been Inspected and conforms with <br />specifications. <br /> <br />Woodburn moved, seconded by Crichton, that <br />the 1976 sealcoatlng project and authorize <br />toppingm inc. in the amount of $12,668.72. <br /> <br />Council <br />payment <br />Motion <br /> <br />approve and accept <br />to All ied Black- <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Resolution No. 76-29, Decl~ring Cost to be Assessed and Ordering <br />Preparation of Proposed Assessments for Indian Oaks Two <br />Woodburn moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council adopt Resolution <br />No. 76-29, RESOLUTION RELATING TO iNDIAN OAKS ~ ADDITION IMPROVEMENT <br />DECLARING COST TO BE ASSESSED AND ORDERING PREPARAT~ON OF PROPOSED <br />ASSESSMENT, as amended, Inserting ($56,502.81 as total cost to be <br />assessed and $0.00 as cost the City wi I I pay as its share of the cost. <br />Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />OTHER BUS I NESS <br /> <br />Sheehy Request to instal I Lights at Tennis Courts <br />After discussion of ordinance roquirements re lighting, review of <br />letter from Richard P. Sheehy (6/18/76) and sketches of light loca- <br />tions and estimatod distances fl'omhomes in the area, Council con- <br />curred that unless glare from I:ghts exceeds maximum permitted by <br />ordinance, Counci I action is n07 required; Council's responslblity <br />Is to enforce the ordinances. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Building Inspector was requested to determ.lne if lights violate glare <br />standards (Ord. 99). if no violation Is found, no Council action is <br />needed. <br /> <br />Arden Manor Amended Special Use Permit Provisions Discussion <br />Mr. David Anderso~ explained that for the last two weeks Arden Manor <br />has been operated by Citizens Mortgage; have not gone to Sheriff's <br />Sale to date; have right to make emergency repairs now, which they <br />are currently doing. <br /> <br />Mr. Bill Franzen reported accomplishments made by Citizen's Mortgage <br />these past two weeks: <br />a. emergency repairs on existing wel I. <br />b. repaired water main from old to new park which had broken. <br />c. cleaning up the park of trash and are cutting the weeds. <br />d. storm shelter area in community building has been cleaned <br />out, and lights installed; will be available for use as a <br />shelter by July 15th. <br /> <br />-z- <br />