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<br />Minutes of Regular Counci I Meeting <br />Page four <br /> <br />April 26, 1976 <br /> <br />Feyereisen moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council approve Payment <br />No.3 to Par-Z Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $21,891.51. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />(Johansen reported that Lift No.8 is not presently operating on auto- <br />matic controls; transducer is being checked re malfunction problem). <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Proposed Haml~ne Avenu9 Improvement <br />Christoffersen referred Council to his letter of 4/26/76 re Proposed <br />Hamllne ,A.venue Improvement, advising of Increase In total cost for <br />bitumInous overlay from $54,760 to S58,300, to add I foot to width of <br />shoulder (4' wide inst3ad of 3' wide); also recommending that Counc! I <br />consider a maintenance procedure (filling chuck holes, dips and de- <br />pressions with bituminous material and sealcoatlng the road surface) <br />rather than proceeding with the 2" bituminous overlay which, in their <br />opinion, would not be an economical solution to the improvement of <br />Haml Ine Avenue. <br /> <br />Atter discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by Feyerelsen, that Council <br />authorize Engineer Christoffersen to proceed with specifications for <br />filling of chuck holes, dips and depressions on Hamllne Avenue from <br />County Road F to S.T.H.96, sealing of the road surface thereafter and <br />construction of a 4' wide crushed limestone shoulder along the west <br />side of the roadway; motion to also rescind motion of 4/19/76, order- <br />Ing preparation of specifications for 2" bituminous overlay. Motion <br />carried (Crichton, Feyereisen, Crepeau voting in favor of the motion; <br />Woodburn, Wingert v6tlng In opposition). <br /> <br />A stop sign was proposed at Hamline Avenue and County Road F. Matter <br />was referred to Public Safety Committee for Its recommendations to <br />Council. <br /> <br />Proposed County Road F Improvement <br />Council discussed the ~hree alternate proposals for the Improvement <br />of County Road F, and the utilities considered necessary to Install at <br />the time road is constructed. <br /> <br />After discussion, Feyereisen moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council <br />authoriLe Christofferser, to proceed with preparation of County Road F <br />~lans and Specifications for a 36' wide 9-ton road to meet M.S.A. <br />specifications, from Lexington Avenue to Hamline Avenue; underground <br />uti litles to be minimized wherever possible after determining utility <br />needs of affected property owners and storm drainage needs. Motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br />(Woodburn and Christoffersen to meet with City of Shorevlew and property <br />owners.) <br /> <br />State Aid Road Designa~ <br />Christoffersen advised Council that Arden Hi lis is entitled to designate <br />.8 additional miles of State Aid road; determination should be made <br />prior to preparation of December report. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Matter was referred to the Public Works Committee for its recommenda- <br />tions to Counci I. Christoffersen was requested to submit information <br />re Stata Aid Road designation to Woodburn to relay to Public Works <br />Committee, and to provide copies of map of Arden Hills State Aid Roads <br />for Counc i I . <br /> <br />REPORT OF BUILDING INSPECTOR LARRY SQUIRES <br /> <br />Proposed Structure at Mounds View High School <br />Squires reported that high cost of construction prevents the School <br />DIstrict from proceeding with construction of the structure to enclose <br />ki In at this time at Mounds View High School, <br /> <br />McKnight Geriatric Center <br />Squires reported that Life Safety Code overlaps Building Code require- <br />men~s and is very restrictive. He met with representatives from State <br />Building Code Division, Horty, Elving and Associates (architects), the <br />State Fire Marshal's office and the State Health Department re possible <br />"trade-ofts" In consiTuction design to meet the energy regulations _ all <br />in at~endance were in general agreement that the trade-offs requested <br />could be allowed, but a waiver of the Federal Life Safety Code provi- <br /> <br />-4- <br />