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<br />t ~ <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular r.ounci I Mee+ing <br />Page two <br /> <br />April 12, 1976 <br /> <br />J. Hili (Pemtom) noted that the market Is good for detached homes. <br />$40-45,000 home would be a good salable product which can be con- <br />structed If garages are not required, etc. <br /> <br />Council noted that Planning Commission should be aware of ramifica- <br />tions of the Act. <br /> <br />OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Case No. 74-14. Pemtom - Townhouse Villages North Fourth Addition <br />Wingert reported that the Planning Commission recommends Council <br />approval of the Final Plat, which they found to be' In accord with <br />the approved Preliminary Plat. <br /> <br />J. Hili noted two dimension errors In the Final Plat, and substituted <br />corrected copies to Council for approval. After noting the changes <br />in Block 3, Lot 2 (from 65.33' to 69.33') and Inserting dimension of <br />69.33' on west side of Block 6, Lot 2 (which was omitted), Wingert <br />moved, seconded by Woodburn, that Council approve the Final Plat of <br />Townhouse Villages North Fourth Addition, subject to subsequent <br />approval of Open Space Easements and Covenants, Development Agree- <br />ments and Letters of Credit. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Lexington Avenue Improvement - Planning Commission Recommendations <br />Wingert reviewed the ad hoc committee's proposed Polley For The <br />Improvement Of Lexington Avenue and slight amendments the Planning <br />Commission recommends. <br /> <br />In discussion, It was noted that Lexington Avenue Is not recommended <br />as a major feeder road, but to serve the municipalities it passes <br />through; up-grade to Include pedestrian/bike lanes regardless of <br />street width. <br /> <br />Concern was expressed re funneling of traffic from 4-lane to 3-lane <br />and 2-lane. C. Peterson explained that the ad hoc committee con- <br />sidered Harriet Avenue a "destination" and 3-lane would provide turn <br />lane to Arden Plaza, rather than funneling traffic south on Lexington. <br /> <br />Concern was also expressed re Rosevllle's opinions re type of road <br />needed to serve the Rosevil Ie sector of Lexington Avenue. Peterson <br />reported that Rosevllle is waiting until "Citizens Committee" reports <br />Its over-all plan, before making any determinations. Peterson said <br />that most Roseville residents are opposed to establishment of a <br />corridor. <br /> <br />Woodburn said if a 4-lane road will carry same traffic as 2-lane more <br />safely, we may be denying safety to the people; obligation Is for <br />safety for all, not Just residents abutting Lexington Avenue: we don't <br />know how much increase In traffic there might be if road Is widened. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />P. Lindquist expressed a need for safety for pedestrians and bikes <br />between Lake Josephine and the YMCA; noise will become a factor if <br />road Is widened and trucks use both Lexington and Snelling - very <br />little truck travel on Lexington now; suggested up-grade to widen Is <br />premature - need may be determined In 5 or 10 years - only reason <br />"push" Is on now is to take advantage of funding. <br /> <br />Crichton said he would I ike to see all bike paths well detached from <br />travel lanes, at least with a barrier between: doesn't feel the need <br />for bike path along both sides of road. <br /> <br />Feyerelsen suggested that road be constructed to provide two traffic <br />lanes, with suitable turn lanes and a bike path along the east side. <br /> <br />Wingert offered to prepare a Resolution for Council consideration, <br />comprising the ad hoc committee, Planning Commission and Council <br />pol icles. <br /> <br />It was suggested by Woodburn that If Lexington Is designated a "parkway" <br />(Harriet to County Road C) truck travel would be restricted to local <br />deliveries only. <br /> <br />-2- <br />