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<br />.. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Co~nci I Meeting <br />Page three <br /> <br />April 12,1976 <br /> <br />Report Re Leasing Police Car - Officer J. LaValle <br />Officer LaValle submitted quotations for purchase of "administrative" <br />car for Pol ice Department, for Counci I consideration: <br /> <br />Rosedale Chevrolet - <br />1976 Chevrolet Malibu Station <br />1976 Vega Station Wagon <br /> <br />Wagon - $4,581.36 <br />- $3,930.82 <br /> <br />Central Chrysler Plymouth, Inc. - <br />1976 Plymouth Volara Station Wagon <br />6 cylinder <br />V8 <br /> <br />$4,333.63 <br />+98.87 <br /> <br />Buerkle Buick Company <br />1976 Buick Century Wagon <br /> <br />$4,960.00 <br /> <br />Councl I also considered letter from Dick Ashton, Whitaker Buick, <br />concerning purchase of wagon now being leased - $3,595.00 <br />Lease of 1975 Century Wagon - SI57.00/month for 24 <br />months. <br />Purchase of wagon of the same body type <br />equipment, etc. - S5,100.00 <br /> <br />After discussion, Feyereisen moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council <br />authorize the purchase of the 6 cylinder Plymouth Volara wagon from <br />Centrai Chrysler Plymouth a+ $4,333.G3; aftRr 'urther discussion, motion <br />did not carry (Feyereisen, Crichton voting In favor of the motion; <br />Woodburn, Wlngert,Crepeau voting In oppositIon). <br /> <br />Gr I ch1'on ",oved, seconded by Woodburn, 'that (;ounc I I author I ze the <br />purchase of a 1976 Chevrolet Mallbu station wagon from Rosedale Chev- <br />rolet for $4 581.36. Motion carried (CrIchton, Woodburn, WIngert, <br />Crepeau votl~g In favor of the motion; Feyerelsen voting In oppositIon). <br /> <br />Squad Car Repai,"s <br />LaValle advised Counci; that the 1974 squad car needs valves, seals, <br />rings, bearings, etc.; uses I to 2 quarts of oil/day; should car re- <br />pairs be made or shoul~ the department continue to burn the 011 until <br />traded? <br /> <br />Council authorized the latter and authorized necessary expenditures <br />to keep car running safely; car to be scheduled on low-use shift until <br />time for trade-In In ebrly 1977. <br /> <br />REPORT OF CLERK ADMINISTRATOR CHARLOTTE MCNIESH <br /> <br />Approval of Instructor~ <br />McNlesh referred Counc(1 to memo from Buckley (4-9-75) re Hiring <br />Instructors. <br /> <br />Crichton advised he haG authorized emergency hiring of two Instructors <br />listed and moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council authorize the <br />hiring of Instructors Scott Torgerson for Girls' Gymnastics @ $2.50/hr. <br />and Dick Smith, Brian Fohne and Tim Seume.for Boys' Basketball @ <br />$3.50/hr. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Public Safety Sub-committee Recommendations <br />A. Speed Limit on Floral Drive <br />McNlesh reported that the Public Safety Sub-committee recom- <br />mends that speed limit on Floral Drive remain at 3,mph and <br />that speed sign remain; similar request for reduced speed on <br />Indian Oaks Trai I was denied by Highway Dept. <br /> <br />Council concurred with the Public Safety Sub-commlttee's <br />recommendations. <br /> <br />B. Traffic Si~n Survey <br />Counci I revie'Ned let"rer from Jack Anderson Associates re <br />Sign Inventor~ and recommendation from Public Safety Sub- <br />committee. <br /> <br />After discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by Crepeau, that <br />Counci I authorize the Inventory litem 114 of Minnesota Highway <br />Dept. Sign Repl3cement Program). Motion carried unanimOUSly. <br /> <br />-3- <br />