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CC 12-14-1981
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 12-14-1981
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<br /> . > <br /> Minutes of Regular Council Meeting Dec. 14, 1981 <br /> ssid he is a civil engineer, snd based on information from the <br /> fire department in another community, would not re commend a cul- <br /> de-sac of this length; feels it creates a severe safety problem, <br /> if cars should be parked on the street, for emergency vehicles; <br /> fee 1 s the street should be connected at this time in the best <br /> interest of the entire area. <br /> Al Ambrose, 1446 Colleen Avenue., said Colleen Avenue is quite a <br /> thoroughfare now and the traffic will probably doub Ie; noted that <br /> it was originally planned that Floral Drive continue to Highway <br /> 10, which is not possible now; feels Floral Drive should share in <br /> the traffic load for the area. <br /> Mike Lamey, 1349 Colleen Avenue., said he lives at the corner of . <br /> Colleen and Hamline Avenues; feels the City has a moral obligation <br /> to provide easy and direct access to homes for all emergency <br /> vehicles ( fire, paramedics e tc.) : no te d that from Hamline and <br /> Colleen, the homes in the Royal Hills area will be difficult to <br /> locate on this very long cul-de-sac; noted that a variance me ans <br /> an "exceptionft ; feels Royal Lane can easily be connected to Floral <br /> Drive which would provide a more direct access to the homes in <br /> Royal Hills, balance the traffic in the area and provide better <br /> access for school buses as well as emergency vehicles. <br /> In further discussion, it wss noted that another a~ce8S to the <br /> Briarknoll/Royal Hills areas can access onto Snelling Avenue and <br /> north to Hwy. 96, as well as at Hamline and Colleen Avenue. <br /> The road, if extended through the park to Floral Dri ve , was esti- <br /> mated to be about 500 feet at an estimated $100/ft. ($50,000): <br /> if extended directly north/south at eas t p rope rty line, ab ou t 300 <br /> feet. It was no ted that Floral Drive, as it exists, also exceeds <br /> the maximum 500' cul-de-sac length. <br /> Concern was expressed relative to the exis ting traffic congestion <br /> at Floral Drive and Hamline, and the intersections close relation- <br /> ship to Co un ty Road F and the 1-694 interchange. <br /> Engineer Christoffersen briefly reviewed MSA street designations <br /> and noted that the City now has approximately one mile to be des- <br /> ignated as MSA; described the requirements for an MSA street des- <br /> ignation. <br /> Mike Lamey referred to the traffic report; noted th a tit indi- <br /> cated no adverse impact on traffic at Florsl Drive and Hamline. <br /> It wss asked if the traffic study included potential traffic west <br /> of Snelling when developed. Chris toffersen said he would inquire <br /> if this area was included in the projections. <br /> Adele Anderson , Ch ai rman of the Parks Committee, explained that <br /> she would like to save the park as a se rene wo ode d area, without <br /> a road; explained the road, aa proposed would cons ume about 1.7 <br /> acres of the park; existing play structure and hard surface play <br /> area would have to be relocated and an addi t ion al .8 acres would <br /> be relatively un us able; estimated it would represent an approxi- <br /> mate $28,000 loss to the parks. <br /> .!i! . Schunich t said he feels very strongly that Floral Drive, also . <br /> a long cul-de-sac, Should be connected with roads to the no rth , <br /> providing a second egress; would accep t a uni t cost assessment, <br /> if necessary, to get the connection; suggested the direct north/ <br /> sou th route. Woodburn explained that it is not traditionally the <br /> 'policy of Council to condemn private property if an alternative <br /> can be found. <br /> Bob Hanson , 1465 Floral Drive, said rhey have lived th ere 21 yea rs ; <br /> people on Flo ral DrIve do not feel the cul-de-sac street is pro- <br /> hibitive to their life sty Ie; have ~ad no problems for emergency <br /> vehicles. Hanson said the proposed 60' road r..o.w. would take <br /> 24% of his property. Hanson said, because of its close p roximi ty <br /> to the 1-694 interchange, and County Road F, traffic impact is <br /> greater at Floral Dr. and Hamline than at Colleen and Hamline. <br /> Hanson ssid, "we like Floral Drive as s cul-de-sac; have never hsd <br /> a problem", <br /> -4- <br />
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