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CC 10-13-1981
City Council
City Council Minutes
CC 10-13-1981
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<br /> ---- - ----.---- - ----- <br /> . <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting October 13, 1981 <br />After discussion, Wingert moved, seconded by Johnson, that Council <br />approve the variance for a 6 foot high solid fence as requested <br />on lots 9 and 10, based on the unique exposure to traffic, li gh ts <br />and other unsightly aspects of the corner. <br />In further discussion, it was suggested that the need for a soUd <br />fence along the side lot line on lot 9 has bot been substantiated. <br />MoUon did not carry (Wingert, Johnson voting in favor of the <br />mo tion; Woodburn, McAlliater voting in oppos1 Uon) (2 -2) . <br />Wingert moved approval of a 6' high solid fence along the outer <br />perillleter of lots 9 and 10, as indicated, but not the 96' extension <br />on lot 9 (north/south portion). Motion carried (Win ge rt , Johnson, <br />Woodburn voting in favor of the 1Il0tion; McAllister voting in <br />opposition). (3-1). . <br />Case No. 81-30, Variances for Garalle Addi Uon, 1658 Lake Johanna <br />Boulevard <br />Council was referred to Planning Memo (9-29-81), Board of Appeals <br />report (10-3-81) , Planning Commission Minutes ( 10-7-81) and to <br />transparency of aubject lot and surrounding area. <br />Killer indicated the three variances that are needed to accom- <br />modate the proposed garage addi Uon (wi th bedroom above); reported <br />that the present garage ia not accessible as it exiats; explained <br />that there is a substantial grade change on the lot; an addi Uon <br />could be accommodated in another way, but because of the topog- <br />raphy of the land, the proposal is reasonable. <br />Mr. Wold explained that they anticipate, th rough to rrens procedure, <br />that the land between the old and new Lake Johanna right-of-way <br />11nes will be added to the adjacent lots; .noted that the owners <br />of the two lots to the west are also currently pursuing this - <br />lot to the east has received the land. <br />Kr. Wold re fe rred Council to letters from Mr. Shifsky and Mr. <br />McGough stating that they hsve no objection to the variances re- <br />quested. <br />After discussion, Johnson moved, seconded by Wingert, that Council <br />approve the three variances: <br /> 1. 1!:i' variance at northeast corner of the addi Uon <br /> (10' required - 8!:i' proposed) <br /> 2. 2!:i' variance at southwest corner of the addition <br /> (10' required - 7!:i' proposed) <br /> 3. 9' aggregate variance <br /> (25' required - 16 ' proposed) <br />based on the 10 t topography, and limi ted options because of the <br />narrownesa of the lot, and approve the front aetback variance to <br />the exiating north property line, based on the knowledge that the <br />front prope rty line will be at the new right-of-way line. Motion <br />carried unanimously (4-0). <br />Case No. 81-31, Rear Setback Variance for Room Ad'ition - <br />1851 Lake Lane <br />Council was referred to transparency of subject lot and adjoining . <br />properties, to Board of Appeals re port (10-3-81), Planning COllllllia- <br />sion re commen da ti onil (Minutes of 10-7-81) and to Planning Memo <br />10-29-81) . <br />Miller reported that both the Board of Appeals and Planning Com- <br />mission recommend a rear setback variance no greater than those <br />on the two adjacent lots, one ia 6' and the other 8' from the <br />property line. <br />In discussion, some concern was expressed relative to the basis <br />of bardship, and the fact that the house 18 al re ady at a 12' set- <br />back variance. <br /> -4- <br />
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