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<br /> . <br /> : Minutes of Regular Council Meetl ng September 29, 1980 <br /> Page fou r <br /> Case No. 80-35, Bul Idlnq Permit - Gene Colestock <br /> Miller reported that the matter was continued by the Planning <br /> Commission to Its next meeting, pending submission of additional <br /> documentation. Crepeau reported that Mr. Colestock wants to <br /> put I n footings this yea r; w I II meet all Code requl rements. <br /> Woodburn reported that Mr. Colestock advised of a drainage sltu- <br /> atlon at his existing building, which should be reso I ved In some <br /> way other than draining into the sanitary sewer system. Council <br /> authorized Johansen to check this drainage and see to It that <br /> this i s diverted from the sanitary sewer promptly. <br /> Development Plans for Hazelnut Park <br /> Mi Iler referred Counci I to proposed development plan for Hazel- <br /> nut Park; noted thilt f I na I gradl ng plans can be prepared for <br /> . bidding next week, I f plan I s acceptab Ie. <br /> In discussion, some concern was expressed re access to hydrants <br /> for flooding of the hockey and skating rinks. Buckley advised <br /> that there I s a h yd ran t on the west side of New Brighton Road <br /> which could be uti I i zed; also can flood from a ve hi c Ie. The <br /> steep g ra de (8%) of the access road to the rink area was also <br /> of concern. <br /> Miller reported that a rough guestlmate of the grading cost, as <br /> proposed, Is about $12,000, according to one contractor. Mill er <br /> said the kno lis I n the northern area would be Ie ve led; s lid I ng <br /> h I II will re ma i n about as it is; greatest amount of cut and f i I I <br /> Is proposed In the south portion of the site to create the com- <br /> bination football/soccer field. Mi Iler noted there will probab Iy <br /> be some re-arrangement of the walking paths. <br /> Crl chton commented that the soccer/football field appears I a r ge r <br /> than he remembe rs i t to be; said the concept seems more forma I <br /> than was envisioned for this particular park, an d the grading <br /> more extensive than previously proposed; said It was hIs un de r- <br /> standing that Hazelnut Pa rk was not to be "another Perry Park". <br /> CrIchton also noted that the hockey an d skatl ng r Inks ha ve been <br /> re located;. asked whether access to the rinks, as proposed, I s <br /> adeq uate. <br /> Buckley said the new rink locations will provide a tree screen <br /> for the hockey boards and warming house; s a I d wa I ke rs wi I I p rob- <br /> ably come down the h II I from New Brighton Road to the rinks; <br /> other skaters and spectators wi II have to walk from the parking <br /> area; said the relocation represents a "trade-off" ; wou I d prefer <br /> the hockey boa rds out of sight. <br /> Miller said he can have the final plan prepared for bid letting <br /> by about October 10 and will f I Ie a copy of same with RCWD and <br /> the City Engineer; anticipates a.pproval of the plan can be obtained <br /> by the October 22nd RCWD meeting and grading can s ubseq uent I y <br /> be completed th is fa I I, as planned. <br /> Hanson moved, seconded by Woodburn., that Council accept the plan <br /> presented as the concept plan, as recommended by the Parks Com- <br /> . ml ttee. Motion carried (Hanson, Woodburn, Crepeau voting i n <br /> favor of the motion; Crichton voting in opposition). <br /> Mi Iler advised that the program has been geared to grade now, <br /> seed by November 15th, apply mulch over the seed and have grass <br /> In the spring. <br /> Hanson move d , seconded by Crichton, that Council authorize ad ve r- <br /> tisement for bid for the total grading plan for Hazelnut Park. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> ~~~-J7~7- <br />