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<br /> . <br /> ......'- Minutes of Regular Council Meet I ng September 29, 1960 . . <br /> ,\.,., Page five <br /> , <br /> "; .:'.... I <br /> OTHER BUSINESS <br /> 1961 Budget: <br /> Finance Committee Recommendations <br /> Chairman Thomas Mulcahy presented the Finance Committee's recom- <br /> mended changes to the proposed 1961 Budget, a summary of which <br /> was presented on a transparency for Council's consideration. <br /> Mulcahy noted the following Increases In General Fund expenditures <br /> ove r the yea rs: <br /> '79 over '78 - 13% <br /> '60 over '79 - 6% <br /> '61 over '60 - 9.8% <br /> ~ reported that It I s the Finance Committee's Intent to study con- <br /> ~ sultant fees later this year or next for recommendations to <br /> Council. <br /> ~~ Mulcahy commended the Counc II for exercising "remarkable restraint"; <br /> said the budgeting process works I n thi s village; as a res u It, <br /> ~~ there are no deficits or disasters. <br /> ~'~ Mayor Crepeau thanked Mr. Mulcahy and the Finance Committee for <br /> i :X <br /> 2'~ its diligent work during the year. <br /> ~~\ Counci I discussed proposed means of financing the 1961 Budget; <br /> ~ reviewed a memo from Parks Director Buckley and attached account <br /> ~. of routine maintenance time for the various parks and trails; <br /> )i.~ ,;- ~ rev i ewed a memo f rom Pub II c Works Supe rv I SOl' Joh ansen re est 1- <br /> ~.: '" mated cost to correct staining of exterior walls of the Village <br /> \~~ y Hall. <br /> j~ ~ Co,""'" "'''!~' "::., ,',' po'"..._"''" 00'" "d tho <br /> ;j" proposed aifdtfTon bt.crn-o:~.h,@J'._:.P'&/"k-s' department emp I oyee. Hanson. <br /> . ~ v suggested that,_JL.aAo-t'tfer person.t'S'.a:dded.for park maintenance, <br /> ~ h. ,ho",-&.""., 'oh.".,', "p.""'o,. <br /> ~ <br /> ::s H-an~.on moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council abolish the <br /> )0; ~ Parks Director position effective Janua-ryl, 1961; park planning <br /> to be provide.dbyprotesslonalp-Ianner, park maintenance to be <br /> provi ded by the Pull II C WOrks department and park recreational <br /> programs-to be provided by a part-time recreational d I rector, <br /> .!l1'6Dabl-yone-half time. <br /> After further discussion, Crichton moved, seconded by Woodburn, <br /> tOfabrefhe-motlon untllth~next Council meeting; Motion did <br /> not carry (Crlch.ton.arrd Woodburn voting In. favo.r. ofth.e.mQtlon; <br /> Hansona-ndCrepeau voting in opposition). <br /> HansonM6v-ed..secondedby Crichton, to table the motion until <br /> t.h-e Counc II meetl ng of bctober '14th; Motion carried u.nanl mous I y. <br /> c..---- <br /> Counc i I concurred with Finance Committee Recommendations and <br /> made the following additional changes In the proposed budget: <br /> . Sewe r Ut I II ty Fund 707 Park Fund 60 I <br /> 4640-510 -305,000 4519-104 + 1,715 <br /> 4640-35'- + 5,000 <br /> General Fund 10 I Revenue - General Fund <br /> 4094-540 - 5,000 3351 - 13,010 <br /> 4094-344 + 1,000 <br /> 4060-302 + 2,965 <br /> 4550-104 - 1,715 <br /> Resolution No. 80-51 <br /> Woodburn moved, seconded by Crichton, that Council adopt Resolu- <br /> tion No. 80-51, RESOLUTION APPROVING SUMS OF MONEY TO BE LEV I ED <br /> FOR LEVY YEAR 1980, PAYABLE IN 1961,AND AMENDING THE LEVY ON 1972 <br /> IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERiES 2, 1960 and 19~ SANITARY SEWER IMPROVE- <br /> . MENT BONDS, SERIES B, C AND D, AND 1977 GENERAL OBLIGATION RE- <br /> FUNDING BONDS as amended. Motion carr i ed unanimoUSly. <br /> , <br /> l .. <br /> . . <br /> -5- <br />