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<br />Minutea of ll.egu1ar Council Meeting <br />Page Two <br /> <br />April 14. 1980 <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />center will be a "top flight" facility; collage is also concerned <br />for tha environment and the needs of the neighbors; building has <br />been raduced by 7000 aq. ft. and number of seats has been reduced <br />from 1800 to 1377; the height of the existing structure has been <br />maintained; parking has been provided for 1148 cars (existin~add- <br />itlona~ futura. if nacessary. and overflow). Parker explained <br />that the parking lot lighta are proposed to be located in the trees <br />to reduce intenaity of lighta; ballarda are propoaed where tree <br />light:lng ia not poa.ib,la. A sketch of the building ellterior wa. <br />diapla, a. "ell aa the brick which he .aid closely matches that <br />of Nazareth Hall. <br /> <br />Daryll Han.on described the landscapins. a. reaolved at Seturday'. <br />meeting, and di.p1ayed the amended landacape plen which waa prepared <br />accordingly. <br /> <br />Discu.sion included the following areas of concern: on-campua <br />p.rking monitoring agreement. building height, buildings separation. <br />ligh ting. acce.. for fire department. maater, pl... anticipated an- <br />rOllmant, auditorium capacity, anticipated number of event./yaar, <br />park 'dedication atc. <br /> <br />Frank Stanton aaid ha recognizes that a Building Permit will be <br />granted; Na.areth Hall waa beautifully wooded; feele ,it ahould be <br />thaobligat:lon of the College to not allow'perking on City atreeta; <br />noted that the College the aite aa a treat conference <br />c,enter; the Collage i. in non-conforming atatua.. <br /> <br />Gary Thorn aaid he felt it i. very important to get all the facts <br />so that the aurrounding areas. .s well .a the college,are protected. <br /> <br />Dwight Peteraon reviewed a letter from the Arden Bills 3 A.aociati?n <br />expre.aing their concern; noted that the Maater Plan should indicate <br />the beat gueaa for future development. <br /> <br />Mra. Baltea and a Northwestern College .tudent epoke in favor of <br />the college; are totally behind the college; student emphasizad that <br />they too want a beautiful cempus. (Student. .a.e inaUdible.) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Hanaon atated that, in accord with the Minnesota Supreme Court <br />daciaion regarding Northweatern College va. Arden Hills; namely <br />to confirm the Diatrict Court'. decision that the Arden Hills' <br />Council waa acting within ita legialative powera to declare North- <br />weat.rn College to be a non-conforming uae aa indicated by the pro- <br />visiona of Zoning Ordinauce No. 99. but. due to unequal treatment <br />with reapect to Bethel College, the City of Arden Hills is direc~ed <br />to iaaue a bUl1din~ permit in the uaual mauner to Northweatern <br />College 'fo'i:a Fine Arts Center building and, subsequent to the public <br />hearing auaaid application,for a building permit and after due <br />consideration of the Planning Commisaion's recommendations ... <br />~..... ~~follOW1ng fi'ndings of fact: <br /> <br />1. NorthwesteTn College is a non-profit four-year liberal arta <br />college with anticipated enroll..nt of 1200 full-time <br />equivalent atudents and haa applied, for a building permit <br />for a 1.377 fixed seat Fine Arts Ceuter building onthe <br />Arden Rills portion of their property located in a fully <br />developed residential district on a unique site abutting <br />the shoreline of Lake Johanna to the north and aingle-fa.ily <br />reaidential neighborhoods to the east and west. which use <br />is now scknowledged by both interested parties to be non- <br />conforming in accordance with Zoning Ordinance No. 99 and <br />the College has never applied for rezoning. <br /> <br />2. A .astar plan for the entire ca.pus is on file with the <br />City which 1nd1catea no additional buildings are contem- <br />plated and there are no plans to expand any of said buildings <br /> <br />2 <br />