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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />March 28, 1983 <br />Page Two <br /> <br />. <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />than street, lots 10 and 11 do drop off in the rear, probably <br />would build them up somewhat. All three lots appear to be higher <br />than proposed street. Woodburn noted that O'Meara will be doing <br />the building; all builders are expected to check sewer elevations <br />before beginning construction. <br /> <br />Mulcahy queried if there would be a problem with back yards flood- <br />ing if water is drained along NSP easement, asked how deep a ditch <br />is proposed, expressed concern about flooding of easement pathway <br />to Hszelnut Park. Christoffersen stated that ditch could be up <br />to 2 feet deep, grading plans are not completed; may run a small <br />pipe for water to cross to low area if this is a problem. Council <br />discussed wisdom of having two pathway entrances to Hazelnut Park ~ <br />since there are presently two easements, at Jamie Circle and be- <br />tween lots 21 and 22. O'Meara would prefer not having two path- <br />ways, final plat has been prepared. <br /> <br />Council further discussed possibility of drainage of James Circle <br />across the intersection as opposed to the 12" drain to the NSP <br />easement. Woodburn noted this is done in Some industrial areas <br />in Arden Hills, does not personally favor this method but sees <br />advantages in this particular case, major disadvantsge is possi- <br />bility of standing water freezing in the street. Christoffersen <br />and O'Meara discounted this concern - would be rare that there <br />would be this much drainage from such small area. Hicks asked <br />if decision must be made on method recommended tonight; Christof- <br />fersen suggested drawing plans for both, and checking with Johansen <br />for his input; final decision does not need to be made by Council <br />now. Hicks queried if there would be enough time between Phase 1 <br />and Phase 2 to see if drainage across intersection is satisfactory <br />and, if not, to run storm sewer to Ja~ie Circle during Phase 2. <br />Christoffersen said that if the cul-de-sac is tipped to the road, <br />we are committed to draining on the road. Storm sewer could be <br />run up Katie Lane and a catch basin installed, but this would be <br />expensive. <br /> <br />O'Meara stated he would be happy with either method of draining <br />cul-de-sac, would probably prefer draining across the intersec- <br />tion. Cost difference in two plans is negligible. <br /> <br />McAllister noted an error on page 4 of the Feasibility Report - <br />cost of the materials for storm sewer should be $15,510, sub- <br />total $19,385. (Total estimated cost of project should be <br />$185,545 instead of $184,600). <br /> <br />Motion was made by Hicks, seconded by McAllister, that Council <br />approve Resolution No. 83-23 ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND <br />OXDERING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT NO. SS-W-P-ST <br />83-3, HAZELNUT PARK ADDITION, PHASE 1. Motion carried unanimous- <br />ly (5-0). This motion accepts the 12" drainage off Jamie Circle. <br /> <br />Improvement No. S~-83-2 - Sewer Extension to 1315 Red Fox Road <br />Resolution No. 83-22, Ordering Preparation of Plans and Specifi- <br />cstions <br />Christoffersen reviewed with Council Options 1 and 2, February II, .- <br />1983 Feasibility Report, for extension of this sewer line. Option ~ <br />1 extends an 8" sanitary sewer westerly 650 I and extends a 2" <br />force main from the gravity line to the Nielsen property line. <br />Option 2 extends a 2" force main approximately 950' from Nielsen <br />property to in-place sanitary sewer trunk line. It is ChristOf- <br />fersen's assumption that the force main would be a private force <br />main, because it would be used by one party; responsibility of <br />long term maintenance would be property owner's; this has been <br />standard policy of Village. When not connected to public lift <br />station, Village could not control what goes into line, making <br />maintenance difficult. <br /> <br />From an engineering standpoint, Christoffersen feels Option 1 <br />gives the most flexibility, understands there are cost considera- <br />tions, but would clearly consider Option 1 preferable. <br /> <br />-2- <br />