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<br />, <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />March 28, 1983 <br />Page Three <br /> <br />Counsel for Nielsen property (Mr. Frank) stated their viewpoints <br />on the matter. Public policy of the City has been that all com- <br />mercial-industrial establishments contribute to the general main- <br />tenance of Village; they should also enjoy the benefit of the <br />sewer lines, feel this policy clearly indicates adoption of Op- <br />tion 1. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />He noted subject of maintenance was not addressed at the previous <br />Council meeting. Throughout the City, for the most, sanitary <br />sewer lines are maintained by the City, other individuals have <br />service to their property lines, and are only required to main- <br />tain sewer lines from buildings to property line. <br /> <br />If Option 2 were adopted, Nielsen would have 1,100 feet to main- <br />tain, some of which is not on his property, and in addition, <br />through taxes, would be supporting the major sewer system. <br /> <br />Of concern also is the cost factor, feels it would be short- <br />sighted to consider cost factor only at the preliminary stage, <br />cheaper for the City and adjacent property owner over the years <br />if there were one sewer line servicing all the property owners in <br />the area along this sewer line. Option 2 would result in a series <br />of lines which would create additional cost snd duplication of <br />effort, less manageable for City, in the long run. Option 1 of- <br />fers the best program. <br /> <br />Final factor Frank felt should be considered is general feasi- <br />bility of each option. Nielsen has contacted various parties who <br />will assist them in their development; all expressed concern about <br />feasibility of development under Option 2, insurance company is <br />not familiar with this type of system. would be concerned about <br />liabilities; mortgage company also had questions concerning via- <br />bility of serving property with private sewer line because of un- <br />certainty of major repair and major costs; also fee~it would be- <br />come an issue with tenants of the building--to adopt Option 2 <br />might make the project not feasible. <br /> <br />Mayor Woodburn Bsked Mr. Reiling if he had any comments. Reilin~ <br />stated that he sees no use to his property for any aRT sewer thet <br />might be installed on this part of Red Fox Road. <br /> <br />Mulcahy stated he has some difficulty in seeing benefit to Reiling <br />property from Option 1; in addition, Mr. Reiling has indicated <br />that if any option is adopted that would assess his property, he <br />might appeal. Mulcahy asked if Nielsen would undertake, to indem- <br />nify the City against its expenses in any appeal. Frank stated <br />he has not had an opportunity to discuss this, with Nielsen, in his <br />practice he has never seen a developer indemnify the city. <br /> <br />Mulcahy stated that both methods (Option 1 and 2) would work, may- <br />be best method is cheapest method. Council is faced with balancing <br />costs; Mulcahy said he feels Nielsen property should bear full cost <br />of installation. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Frank queried propriety of a private sewer line running over public <br />and private property...would need lease in perpetuity for mainte- <br />nance, sees problems with this. <br /> <br />In response to query from Hicks, Christoffersen sees maintenance <br />problems because City has no control over what goes into private <br />pumping station, clarified existing City policy as being main- <br />tenance by property owner to existing sewer in the street. There <br />has not been any type of requirement for an easement to maintain <br />the lines. <br /> <br />Hicks stated that both parcels (Reiling and Nielsen) were assessed <br />for trunk lines originally; feels Option 1 would give more flexi- <br />bility to development of the Reiling property, would be some ben- <br />efit to property. <br /> <br />Motion was msde by Hicks, seconded by Christiansen, that Council <br />adopt Option 1 for the ssnitary sewer extension on Improvement <br />No. 55 83-2 . <br /> <br />-3- <br />