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<br />. <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />March 28, 1983 <br />Page Five <br /> <br />Parks and Recreation Committee Recommendations to Fund Mounds <br />View Recreational Pro~ram for Handicapped <br />Council reviewed Parks minutes recommending funding of this pro- <br />gram for the 1982-83 year, at cost of $150. Concern was expressed <br />re precedent-setting in funding recreational programs outside of <br />Arden Hills, in appropriateness of using funds from the Self-Sus- <br />taining Fund to any programs that are not part of this program, <br />seems inappropriate to charter of this fund. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Motion was made by Hicks, seconded by Mulcahy, that Arden Hills <br />not elect to participate in terms of financial support for the <br />program. Motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br /> <br />Public Safety Committee Recommendation - Sight Problem, <br />Arden View Drive <br />Christiansen reviewed request for signage on Arden View Drive to <br />increase pedestrian safety, noted that sidewalks are provided for <br />pedestrians in this area. McAllister moved, seconded by Mulcahy, <br />that Council accept Public Safety Committee recommendation that <br />additional signs not be installed. Motion carried unanimously <br />(5 -0) . <br /> <br />Request for Stripin~ of Hamline Ave., Hi~hway 96 to Floral Drive <br />Christiansen reported that a Public Safety Committee member asked <br />if there were plans for striping Hamline Ave. this season, feels <br />it needs urgent attention. Council requested Johansen to report <br />on schedule for striping Hamline Ave. <br /> <br />Overcrowdin~ at McGuires <br />Mayor Woodburn noted he has received two complaints about periodic <br />overcrowding at McGuires (e.g. St. Patrick's Day) has met with <br />manager and asked this condition be corrected, will send follow- <br />up letter. <br /> <br />,Report on March 24th Special Meetin~ - Anoka County/Blaine Airport <br />Woodburn and Mulcahy represented Arden Hills at this joint meeting <br />with neighboring Councils and staff. Three State Representatives <br />and three people from MAC were present. <br /> <br />Meeting concerned upgrading of Anoka Airport from classification <br />as a "minor" airport to "intermediate" status to accommodate <br />business aircraft. Mounds View is asking for support in opposi- <br />tion to further development of the airport, is concerned about <br />noise, traffic etc. <br /> <br />No decisions or motions were made at this meeting; Council will <br />be kept informed of any further meetings on the matter. <br /> <br />Status Report - Leaf Compost Site <br />Christiansen reported that Johansen hsd given information to the <br />Public Works Committee on proposed sites and methods of handling <br />these; current best area appears to be Ramsey County Open Space <br />on Hudson Road, off New Brighton Road. Council asked Johansen to <br />continue to pursue matter and prepare report, list options, etc. <br /> <br />. OTHER BUSINESS <br /> <br />Meetin~ with School Committee re Johanna Middle School <br />Mulcahy and Buckley attended; presented data on Arden Hills' usage <br />of the school facilities which is mostly outside facilities. <br />School Board is collecting information to aid in decision on <br />whether to dispose of site. <br /> <br />Letter from Falcon Heights re Stop Signs for Emer~ency Vehicles <br />< Op ticon) <br />Clerk Administrator was directed to respond to Falcon Heights, in- <br />dicating that Village emergency vehicles rarely use the Snelling <br />Avenue corridor. <br /> <br />Hours - Community Service Officer <br />McAllister suggested that the CSO do some patrolling in the early <br />evening and weekends. <br /> <br />-5- <br /> <br />, <br />