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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br /> <br />April 12, 1982 ' <br /> <br />- page 6. noted there ~ay not be a "pay~ent" bond. <br />Council concurred to strike the words "and Pay~ent" <br />(fifth line of 1st whole paragraph, page 6) <br /> <br />- psge 8.(d) suggested rewording of paragraph to clarify <br />that the developer does not waive his right to <br />challenge special assess~ents levied for i~prove~ents <br />loeated outside the boundaries of the subdivision. <br />Council authorized Lynden to change wording accordingly. <br /> <br />- page 10, line 8. Laughinghouse suggested that the last <br />sentence should resd " which the Developer or <br />others..." Council concurred. - <br /> <br />- Exhibit "C", City I~provements. Engineer Christoffersen <br />noted that Exhibit C excludea all propertiea outside <br />the plat. It waa queried whether.the six years can <br />also apply to properties outside the plat. Referred <br />to Popovich. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />After discuasion, Johnaon moved, seconded by Hicks, that Council <br />approve the Development Agree~ent For Arden Oaka Addition as <br />revised 4-12~82. Motion carried unanimoualy. (4-0). <br /> <br />Laughinghouse aaked if park area will bear a portion of the <br />cost of improve~ents; was advised this is an aasessment hearing <br />concern. <br /> <br />Christoffersen noted a line-of-sight grading proble~ as the road <br />curves around the park. Laughinghouse said the required grade <br />can be accomplished with the aubdivision grading, if grade is <br />established prior to award of grading contract. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE PLANNER ORLYN MILLER <br /> <br />Motorola Tower LightinR - Dan Vaughan <br />Vaughan said he is willing to do what is legally possible to solve <br />the proble~; stated he will construct the red pulsing lights and <br />hopefUlly this will solve the problem; noted that this is not <br />something he knew he could do when he made application for the <br />tower. <br /> <br />Vaughan said the red pulsing lights would be in lieu of the <br />strobes at night. When asked about twilight requirements, he said <br />strobes are required - ia still quite light outside when they <br />change. Vaughan said there will also be per~anent red lights. <br />As to ti~ing, Vaughsn said they will ~ake the change as fast as <br />they possibly can; is sure they can put up the red lights. <br /> <br />Hicks ssid he wss i~pressed with the fact that strobes require <br />less energy than the red lights; asked what percentage of the <br />cost Kearsley will bear; suggested the alternative suggested by <br />Kearsley of adding white side lights at strobes, with steady red <br />lights between on a trial basis; can switch to pulsing red lights <br />instead of strobes if necessary. Hicks noted the white lights <br />are safer for pilots at night. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Vaughan said he is co~~itted to go the whole route; agrees to put <br />up all red lights if Council doea not agree that the proposed <br />alternatives are satisfactory; asked if the pulaing red lights <br />will be the ulti~ate expected of hi~ by Council, if this doesn't <br />work; doesn't want to go the cost of red lights and then have <br />further proble~s. <br /> <br />Adele Anderson said she feels the need for resident input. Tower <br />height should be reduced to 500' and should "do away" with the <br />strobes; we ~ay not like the strobe lights even in day ti~e. <br /> <br />Sally Jones asked who is going to decide if we are satisfied with <br />the ays tem. <br /> <br />(na~e not given) atated she feels it is an in- <br />justice to ~ialead the City before the tower want. up. <br /> <br />-2- <br />