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<br />Minures of Regular Council Meeting . April 12, 1982 ' <br /> <br />b. The installation ia thoroughly inspected by the local <br />Fire Chief prior to filling the tank with fuel. <br />c. The tank is certified by manufacturer or qualified <br />engineer that it is suitable for permanent storage. <br />d. The fuel dispense hose separation (LP and gasoline) <br />requirement of 25 feet is met or exceeded. <br />e. Loading be scheduled during hours school is not <br />in session. <br />f. Tank to be tan in color. <br /> <br />Motion on the amendment carried (McAllister, Hicks, Woodburn <br />voting in favor; Johnson opposed (3-1). <br /> <br />Original motion, as amended, csrried (McAllister, Hicks, Woodburn <br />voting in favor; Johnson opposed) (3-1). 4It <br /> <br />Case 82-5. Side Setback Variance for House - Lot 1 Block 4, <br />Karth Lake South <br />Council was referred to Planning Memo (4-6-82) Board of Appeals <br />report (4-7-82), Planning Commission Minutes (4-7-82) and to <br />transparencies of subject lot and of the sres surrounding the lot. <br /> <br />Miller reported that the Board of Appeals and Planning Commission <br />recommend Council approval of the 13' corner lot setback request- <br />ed. Miller reviewed the reasons which are the basis of the recom- <br />mendation: <br /> <br />1. The power line easement constricts the building <br />area of the lot. <br />2. Platting occured prior to the 40' setback requirement. <br />3. Granting of the variance allows for better use of lot <br />without creating undesirable conditions for neighbor- <br />ing properties. <br /> <br />Miller noted that the house can be oriented north and south but, <br />because of terrain, is better sited east and west. <br /> <br />In discussion, it was queried whether a 10' variance would suffice, <br />if house and/or garage were reduced in size. Miller said it would <br />not permit a two-car garage; proposed house and garage is 66' wide, <br />not considered out of character with other homes in the area, or <br />overly large. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by McAllister, that Council approve the 13' <br />setback variance as requested (27' setback) on Lot 1, Block 4, <br />Karth Lake South. Motion carried (Hicks, Johnson, Woodburn vot- <br />ing in favor of the motion; McAllister opposed). (3-1). <br /> <br />Civil Defense Siren Specifications - Advertisement for Bids <br />Council was referred to the proposed specifications for the Civil <br />Defense siren; noted that three-phase is recommended because it <br />requires less maintenance. but initial cost of installation is <br />higher because NSP will have to bring three-phase in to to serve this <br />area. Miller reported that NSP will allow the City to use its <br />easement; required pole height will be reviewed when the actual <br />siren location is determined; Miller said there will be no chawge <br />by Northwestern Bell Telephone; NSP charges City for the appro- 4It <br />priate transformer; NSP will pay for the "drop". <br /> <br />Miller said he would recommend that the siren be located south of <br />Briarknoll at Floral Park, which would site it away from homes; <br />NSP favors a site north of Briarknoll; either will work. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Johnson, that Council approve the plans <br />and specifications for the siren and advertise for bids. Motion <br />carried unanimously (4-0). <br /> <br />It was Council's understanding that the bid opening <br />uled after the siren location has been determined. <br />quested to schedule a meeting with Johnson, Taylor, <br />NSP to determine the appropriate siren location. <br /> <br />will be sched- <br />Miller has re- <br />Johansen and <br /> <br />-4- <br />