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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, June 30, 1986 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Hicks, to delay the purchase of the Jetter and truck <br />for consideration in next year's budget. Motion carried (Hansen, Hicks, <br />Woodburn voting in favor of the motion; Peck and Sather voting in opposition <br />(3-2), <br /> <br />Raddatz reported the following: <br />Water meters were read this week, <br />Northwestern College has requested the City to clean their on-site <br />sewers - Raddatz is preparing a cost estimate for this, <br />Infiltration Study - Raddatz reported that the Public Safety/Works <br />Committee has requested Engineer Christoffersen's attendance at the <br />next meeting relative to this study. <br />Diesel fuel tank - Raddatz is looking into cost; feels City will <br />experience a substantial savings over 3 to 4 years if we had our own <br />tank, <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />ReQuest for Class C Fireworks Displav - 1294 In2erson Road <br />Council was referred to letter request from Kaye and Bruce Fehr, <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council approve permit to purchase and <br />use Class C fireworks for Bruce and Kaye Fehr, 1294 Ingerson Road, for use on <br />July 4, 1986, Motion carried unanimously, (5-0) <br /> <br />Finance Committee Recommendations <br />Council was referred to minutes of Finance Committee (6/26/86) relative to Long <br />Range Financing Subcommittee Report. McNiesh briefly reported the committee's <br />recommendations to temporarily finance the water tower from PIR funds, to be <br />repaid, with interest, over a period of years; explained that the committee <br />recommends an increased standby/fireline charge to help obtain funds for <br />repayment of the PIR fund; explained that, instead of a separate charge for <br />standby and for fireline, there would be one charge, based on the size of the <br />pipe(s) going into the building. McNiesh referred Council to a chart of the <br />proposed standby rate changes from $1.85 to $5,00 for a 1" line, and graduated, <br />proportionate increases for other line sizes, which is recommended by the <br />Finance Committee for Council approval; rates to be effective July I, 1986 <br />(September water billing); notice of increase to be included with the July 1986 <br />bills. McNiesh noted this change in standby charge is anticipated to result in <br />an additional $70,OOO/year. <br /> <br />After discussion, Hansen moved, seconded by Hicks, that Council adopt <br />Resolution No. 86-34, RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 80-13, CHANGING WATER <br />UTILITY STANDBY/FIRELINE CHARGES. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) <br /> <br />Audit Fees <br />Council was referred to Finance Committee's recommendation (minutes of June 26, <br />1986) to Council for payment of an additional $500 to Abdo, Abdo and Eick for <br />the additional hours spent on the 1985 audit above the amount estimated in <br />their proposal. <br /> <br />In discussion, Council concurred that there were unusual Circumstances, e,g. <br />defeasance, which could not be anticipated by the auditor when estimating the <br />contract price. <br /> <br />Hansen moved, seconded by Peck, that Council reimburse $1,000 in additional fee <br />to Abdo, Abdo and Eick, due to defeasance. Motion carried unanimously. (5-0) . <br /> <br />(It was noted that Council does not anticipate an additional cost for the 1986 <br />audit; noted that if there are unusual circumstances , Council would appreciate <br />notice of same ahead of time.) <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE TREASURER DONALD LAMB <br /> <br />Investments <br />June 19, 1986 - <br /> <br />$475,000 at Twin City Federal at 6.56% interest for two <br />months; to mature 8/16/86. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Peck, to ratify the Treasurer's investment. Motion <br />carried unanimously. (5-0) <br />