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<br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting, April 28, 1986 <br />Page 4 <br /> <br />-within 250 feet of the street end, or cuI de sac, petition <br />for a light. <br /> <br />In discussion, Sather noted that a good share of the City has underground <br />utilities; asked if a typical NSP pole is proposed in the front yard in <br />these areas. Malone said the committee did not look into decorative <br />posts; noted that people would be given the option to not have lights; <br />decorative poles could be an alternative. <br /> <br />Malone asked if Council wants the committee to proceed with a lighting <br />plan; estimated the cost for lights would add about $lO/household/year to <br />taxes. Malone noted that the committee is limited as to what it can do <br />until it knows whether Council wants it to proceed; feels there is no <br />point in putting in lights now, until we have a plan in place. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Lamb noted that residents will have to realize that they have to give up <br />something else for the lights; those who don't want lights, or already <br />have lights, will have to share in this cost. <br /> <br />In discussion, Hicks expressed concern about the additional use of energy, <br />if not necessary. Woodburn suggested that the matter be referred to <br />Planning and Finance, after we obtain firmer costs. Sather said he feels <br />it is in the Council's best interest to implement the revised guidelines <br />as recommended; feels there should be a "plan"; suggested the plan be <br />referred, at a later date, to Public Safety/Works and Finance committees, <br />after Council has had time to digest the plan proposal. Hansen said she <br />feels Council should decide if it wants a long term "plan"; if not, then <br />Council should not give the committee this charge. Hansen moved, seconded <br />by Hicks, that Council approve adding the following to the present street <br />light guidelines: <br />"where the visibility along one of the intersecting roads is <br />less than 150 feet." <br />Motion carried (Hansen, Hicks, Woodburn voting in favor of the motion; <br />Sather voting in opposition). (3-1) <br /> <br />Hansen moved. seconded by Hicks, that Council conduct a street light <br />survey of Arden Hills residents. Motion carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />(Format of survey to be determined by Street Light Subcommittee, for <br />distribution in Town Crier, giving all residents the opportunity to <br />respond. <br /> <br />Hicks thanked the Street Light Subcommittee for its work on the report; <br />suggested that costs of decorative light standard be included when <br />compiling street light costs. <br /> <br />Report on April 24 Finance Committee MeetinR <br />Council was referred to minutes or April 24 Finance Committee meeting. <br /> <br />McNiesh reported that the committee discussed various alternatives of financing <br />the upcoming capital improvements; have appointed a subcommittee to analyze <br />financing water tower; reported that the committee is also reviewing heating <br />permit fees. <br /> <br />PlanninR Commission ResiRnation <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Hansen, that Council accept <br />from the Planning Commission effective June 1, 1986. <br />unanimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />Ron Parson's resignation <br />Motion carried <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />(Certificate of Appreciation to be issued to Mr. Parson). <br /> <br />Finance Committee ResiRnation <br />Hansen moved to accept John Rauenhorst's resignation from the Finance <br />Committee. Motion was seconded by Sather and carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />(Certificate of Appreciation to be issued to Dr. Rauenhorst). <br />