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<br /> --. <br /> . .., <br /> MI nutes of Regu I ar Council Meetl ng Octobe r 15, 1984 <br /> Page two <br /> contingencies of approval of the Pre II m I nary P I at; explained that <br /> the City Engineer prepared the street improvement plans based on <br /> a.20-foot Inside radius; reported that the street plans can be <br /> changed to accommodate the 25-foot radius recommen de d, but In his <br /> opinion, the benefit would be minimal. <br /> Mlller reported that Parks Director Buckley Info rme d him that a <br /> 20' wide pathway dedication Is sufficient (25 ' recommended) ; <br /> noted that the revised FI na I Plat provides the 20' pathway. Mill e r <br /> reported that all lots meet or exceed al I dimensional require- <br /> ments. - <br /> Hicks moved, seconded by Rauenhorst, that Council app rove the <br /> Fin a I P I at 0 f Roya I Hills No rt h , subject to approval of the g ra d- <br /> 1ng plan by the City Engineer. Motion carried unan I mousl.y . ( 5-0) . <br /> Case No. 84-29 , Zoning Ordinance Amendments <br /> Council was referred to Planning Commission's recommended changes <br /> (Minutes of 10/3/84) and to Planning Memos (9/26/84, 10/8/84 and <br /> 10/10/84), <br /> Mulcahy moved to table consideration of the amen dmen ts unt I I a <br /> Special Coun c II Study Meeting at 7:00 p .ffi. on Monday, November 5th. <br /> Motlon was seconded by Rauenhorst and carried unan i mously. ( 5-0) <br /> <The gene ra I consensus of Councl I was that the proposed changes <br /> be Inserted over the existing ordinance verbage, so Council can <br /> see the proposed change In context.) <br /> Repo rt on Parking and Truck Loading Activities - Johanna Shores <br /> Council was referred to Planner's memo of 9/18/84 re Parking and <br /> Truck Unloading Activities, Presbyterian Homes. Mi Iler corrected <br /> a typographical error under 2. (page I) deleting "notll In the <br /> last sentence "---the motion ill specl fy " <br /> --- .. <br /> Miller reviewed his fin din gs for Council, concluding that, In his <br /> op I n I on , conditions of the Special Use Permit, related to the <br /> location of the truck service area are being violated, and the <br /> Sandeen Road res I den ts have a legitimate complaint on this Issue. <br /> Miller exp I a I ned that he has concluded that up to 24 resident <br /> parking spaces are permitted at the northeast of the lakeside <br /> residence, but truck unloading Is not permitted In thIs area. <br /> Miller reported that, I f additional documentation Is made ava I I ab Ie <br /> to him by Presbyterian Homes, he w II I reeva I uate his conclusions. <br /> Jim Guest, 3248 Sandeen Road. said he was at the original meet- <br /> Ing when this matter was first considered; stated that If City <br /> Council Minutes Indicate that parking I s permitted at the north- <br /> east of the building, the approval must have occurred after the <br /> residents were not present. Guest reported that the trucking <br /> was to be removed as we II as a I I parklng,and truck area was to be <br /> sc reene d and Shielded from the res I dent I a I area. Guest reported <br /> that the Presbyterian Homes' landscape man labled the existing <br /> situation as an "embarrassment" to Presbyterian Homes. Guest said <br /> he fee I s Presbyterian Homes has taken an attitude of "to heck <br /> with you" toward the neighborhood. Guest said he feels they . <br /> should remove the 20 parking spaces an d restrl ct loading to the <br /> loading zone; fee Is these are visual problems In the winter and <br /> visual as we II as noise problems In the summer; noted this Is a <br /> res I dent I a I a rea, and some effort should be made to consider the <br /> ne I ghborhood. Guest said he I s dlssappolnted about the way this <br /> was handled. <br /> Mlllerwas requested to pursue the matter with Johanna Shores: <br /> (Presbyterian Homes) . Mill er referred Coun c II to his notes re <br /> his conclusions of neighborhood Meeting - Sandeen Road (copies <br /> of Which he will provl de to Council). <br />