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<br />Minutes of Regular Council Meeting <br />Monday, July 30, 1984 <br />Page Four <br /> <br />Andy Holowa spoke in favor of 4-lane striping which he said would <br />be more conducive to the traffic flow; noted that the County <br />Engineer had previously recommended 4-lanes. Holowa said that he <br />feels entering into traffic would be better if there were 4 lanes. <br /> <br />Howard Hansen, Amble Drive, said he feels the change from 4 lanes <br />south of Victoria, to 3 lanes north of Victoria, will cause a <br />"bottle neck" and a traffic hazard. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />to also be acceptable. <br />will try the 3-lane <br /> <br />Woodburn noted that the striping plan will have <br />to the City of Shoreview; noted that the County <br />striping for 3 years, if requested. <br /> <br />City Engineer Christoffersen said his recommendation had not been <br />requested; is not prepared to make a recommendation tonight. <br /> <br />Christiansen said he feels the proposed 4-lane is the better <br />proposal; opposes 3-lane because of potential rear-ending and <br />sideswiping. <br /> <br />Mulcahy said he drove the street today; feels 4-lane is more <br />efficient, but will vote for the 3-lane as an experiment, as long <br />as the County Engineer is amenable to the experiment. Motion <br />carried (Rauenhorst, Mulcahy, Woodburn voting in favor of the <br />motion; Christiansen voting in opposition). (3-1) <br /> <br />PLANNING COMMISSION RECOMMENDATIONS <br /> <br />Case No. 84-17, Lot Split and Consolidation - Lots 41 and 42, <br />Rohleder's Home and Garden Acres, Alex Chvestuik <br />Council was referred to a transparency of the subject lots in <br />Rohleder's Home and Garden Acres. <br /> <br />CDUlICIL IIJIlUIEI <br />DATED <br /> <br />Applicant Chvestuik explained that the house on Lot 41 is on the <br />property line; owner wants 20 feet from Lot 42 to consolidate <br />with Lot 41 to provide about a 20' setback for his house. <br />Applicant reported that Council approved the consolidation of Lots <br />42 and 43 some years ago. <br /> <br />McNiesh reported that Lots 42 and 43 are currently combined for <br />tax purposes; noted that the conveyance can be approved "provided <br />that the 20 feet of Lot 42 is combined with Lot 41, and provided <br />that the balance of Lot 42 is combined with Lot 43". <br /> <br />Rauenhorst moved, seconded by Mulcahy, that Council approve the <br />lot split and consolidation requested, subject to the recording <br />of the consolidation of Lots 42 and 43 at Ramsey County. Motion <br />carried unanimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />Case No. 84-19, Site Plan Review - Roseville State Bank <br />Architect Mod Fedders referred Council to elevation drawings of <br />the proposed addition to the Roseville State Bank, noting that <br />the berming will be removed in an effort to enhance the bank's <br />image. Fedders explained that the bank's exterior will be of <br />brick and glass, which is in keeping with the surrounding <br />buildings. Fedders said the exterior lighting will remain the <br />same; landscaping will be increased and some trees will be <br />relocated. <br /> <br />.........Ill1IU1flI <br />..... <br /> <br />In discussion, Christiansen expressed concern relative to the <br />combination of one-way directional chevron parking and vertical <br />parking, which he said may be confusing. Fedders explained the <br />proposed traffic through the site, entering from County Road F <br />and exiting either to County Road F or to Lexington. <br /> <br />Woodburn noted that the City gave about $1200 park dedication <br />credit for on-site ponding when the original bank was constructed; <br />noted that the pond area is now disappearing. Christoffersen <br />said he does not believe the drainage plan submitted for his <br />review was for the final phase; he will check. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />- <br />I <br />