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<br />- <br /> <br />MInutes of Regular CouncIl MeetIng <br />Monday, February 13, 1984 - 7:30 p.m. <br />Page Two <br /> <br />Miller referred CouncIl to a transparency of the proposed plat; <br />noted the * road proposed at the north boundary of the property, <br />antIcIpatIng the other * road on the ReI ling property. It was <br />noted that * roads are frowned upon; the Comprehensive Plan <br />IdentIfies a publIc road right-of-way precIsely where It Is <br />shown, and It Is considered to be In the publIc Interest to <br />obtaIn this land for a road. <br /> <br />MIller noted that for plannIng and engIneerIng reasons, shifting <br />of the road Is not practIcal; road should be located as IndIcated. <br /> <br />Lynden explaIned that If public benefIt can be shown and the <br />road Is necessary and It Is In the publIc Interest to obtain <br />thIs land for a road, City can condemn It. <br /> <br />MIller recommended that approval of the PrelIminary Plat be <br />deferred pendIng resolutIon of the followIng: <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />1. ElimInatIon of Arden View DrIve r.o.w. west of Royal <br />Hills DrIve. <br />2. ProvIsIon of InsIde r.o.w. radius of at teast 25 <br />feet at the turn In Arden VIsta DrIve. <br />3. SatIsfactory resolutIon of storm water storage at <br />the southwest portion of the site. <br />4. ProvIsIon of a 20' wide park dedIcatIon along the <br />east boundary of the property. <br />5. Renaming of Arden VIsta DrIve to Arden VIsta Court. <br /> <br />HIcks moved, seconded by Rauenhorst, that Council authorize <br />Lynden to determine publIc benefIt and to commence condemnatIon <br />for road purposes. <br /> <br />In further dIscussIon, Lynden noted that the CIty may have <br />to JoIn In the plat; noted that costs of the condemnatIon are <br />agaInst the developer (part of project costs). HIcks noted <br />that he would not be In favor of the motIon If. the City has <br />to bear the cost of the proceedIngs. MIller noted that the <br />plat Is based on the Comprehensive Development Plan, whIch <br />Identifies a collector In thIs area where It connects to <br />exIstIng Arden View DrIve. <br /> <br />ChristIansen asked If alternate routes have been explored to <br />connect Arden VIew DrIve to SnellIng Avenue; saId he feels <br />there are other alternatIves for thIs road, not necessarIly <br />as proposed. <br /> <br />Miller explaIned that engIneering and topography Indicate thIs <br />Is where the road belongs; explaIned that followIng a prop~rty <br />lIne Is what Is normally done; noted that needed ReIlIng r.o.w. <br />can be reduced by movIng the road to the south. Needed ReI lIng <br />r.o.w. would be Increased If road Is moved to the north. <br /> <br />HIcks amended hIs motIon to add, contIngent upon Council <br />approval of the PrelimInary Plat of Royal Hilts North. MotIon <br />on amendment was seconded by Ra uenhorst a nd carr I ed. (H I c ks, . <br />Rauenhorst, Mulcahy, Woodburn votIng In favor of the motIon; <br />ChristIansen votIng In opposItIon. (4-1) <br /> <br />Amended motIon carrIed. (Hicks, Rauenhorst, Mulcahy, Woodburn <br />voting In favor; ChrIstiansen votIng In oppositIon.) (4-1) <br /> <br />Case No. 83-13, PrelImInary Plat of McClung ThIrd AddItIon - <br />John McClung <br />A transparency of the PrelimInary Plat of McClung ThIrd <br />AddItion was shown. MIller noted that the plat Is dependent <br />upon the approval of Royal HI I Is North, for access; noted that <br />the PrelImInary Plat could be approved contingent upon approval <br />of the Royal HIlls North Plat, but he Is reluctant to recommend <br />approval because of the unknowns In the Royal HIlls North Plat. <br />