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<br />. <br /> <br />Minutes of Regular CouncIl Meeting <br />Monday, January 30, 1984 <br />Page Two <br /> <br />Council concurred that an Improved system of notification Is <br />needed; PublIc Works wIll not, In the future, delegate responsi- <br />bIlity to others, but wIll notIfy home owners directly. <br />Mr. St Germain was advIsed that Council wI I I consIder his <br />complaints and try to find a way to remedy the sItuation. The <br />matter was referred to the PublIc Works Committee for Its <br />recommendations to Council. <br /> <br />Snow PlowlnQ <br />Johansen will memo Council re proposed use of private contractor <br />In emergencies to assIst In plowing. <br /> <br />AppoIntment to FI' I Councl I Vacancy - Resolution No. 84-5 . <br />Woodburn Introduced the four applicants for appoIntment to fill <br />the Council vacancy: <br /> <br />Monlka Tuggle <br />Thomas Radio <br />Peter Martin <br />Kathleen Rauenhorst <br /> <br />After a brief question and answer exchange between applicants and <br />CouncIl, Woodburn noted that It Is a dIffIcult choice to make; <br />all are good candIdates; feels he should probably go for length <br />of dedIcated servIce to the VIllage; nominated Kathleen Rauenhorst <br />for appointment to fill the Councl I vacancy. <br /> <br />Hicks moved, seconded by Mulcahy, that Council ratIfy the Mayor's <br />appointment of Kathleen Rauenhorst, and adopt Resolution No. 84-5, <br />RESOLUTION DECLARING THAT VACANCY EXISTS AS COUNCILMAN AND <br />APPOINTING COUNCILMAN TO FILL UNEXPIRED TERM. Motion carried <br />unanimously. (4-0) <br /> <br />Oath of OffIce <br />Mayor Woodburn administered the oath of office to Kathleen <br />Rauenhorst as Councilwoman. <br /> <br />REPORT OF VILLAGE ENGINEER DONALD CHRISTOFFERSEN <br /> <br />FeasIbility Beport Improvement SS83-6, Sewer Extension South <br />of Round Lake <br />ChrIstoffersen referred Councl I to the feasibility of constructing <br />sanitary sewer from Sewage Pumping Station No. 10 to the MWCC <br />Interceptor In New Brighton (1-15-84) and to his letter of <br />1-27-84 regarding potentIal fInancIng alternatIves. <br /> <br />Christoffersen recommended that a discussIon session be scheduled <br />as soon as possible wIth fInancial advIsors relative to assessIng <br />recommendations; reported that Metro CouncIl has monIes In Its <br />budget for the project, but Is waiting for Arden Hills' <br />notIficatIon that It Interested In proceeding wIth the <br />Improvement. ChrIstoffersen reported he had some conversation <br />with Tom Deans re ~~->'uOf a sanItary sewer dIstrIct. <br /> <br />(McNlesh to schedule dIscussion with Deans on a February Agenda . <br />If possIble.) <br /> <br />Water lmQrovement 83-4 - Status Report <br />Christoffersen reported that the water main Is In; area Is not <br />restored; connectIons Into the houses wIll be made thIs week. <br /> <br />Case~. 83-27, Lamettl Addltlo~_~-fTo~osed Declaration of <br />Covenants~ondltlons and Restrictions <br />Roger Rohrer (Wm. Muske Co.) Introduced Mrs. Lamettl (property <br />owner) Mike Muske (Wm. Muske Co.) and John Hoganson (Winthrop, <br />Welnstlne and Sexton, attorneys for Mrs. Lamettl). Rohrer said <br />he Is representing William Muske who Is In Florida at present. <br />