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CCP 02-26-1996
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CCP 02-26-1996
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<br /> - --- <br /> I <br />ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL - FEBRUARY 12. 1996 3 I <br /> .. <br />UNFINISHED AND NEW BUSINESS <br />A. AdoDt. Resolution No. 96-06. Supporting the Higbway 96 Reconstruction Conce\)t I <br /> Studv <br />Dwayne Stafford, Public Works Superintendent, reported that the City Council had previously I <br />reviewed Resolution No. 96-06 supporting the reconstruction of Highway 96 and recommending <br />certain design changes to Ramsey County. Mr. Stafford noted that Mr. Tolaas, Project Engineer I <br />from Ramsey County, was in attendance to answer any questions the Council may have <br />regarding the Resolution. Mr. Stafford reported that the City and the County were very close to <br />an agreement, with only Item 6 and Item 7 needing clarification: I <br /> Item 6 Staff is uncomfortable leaving the storm sewer costs unfixed and has <br /> asked that the County be responsible for anything over the estimated I <br /> $272,500. Ramsey County states this is not possible and requests <br /> additional revisions with this item. <br /> Item 7 Staff believes the Arden Hills segments should be scheduled for I <br /> construction during 1997 and 1998. It seems natural to start at the busiest .. <br /> end of the roadway and continue east rather than doing a piecemeal <br /> construction proj ect. Also, Arden Hills wants to be sure to get their share <br /> of Turnback Funds, while the money is still available, and feels a need for . <br /> the Round Lake Road access to be completed as soon as possible. <br />Mr. Stafford introduced Mr. Tolaas to further discuss Items 6 and 7. I <br />Mr. T olaas stated that in reference to Item 6, the storm sewer cost estimates are very preliminary <br />and does not bind the City in any way. He continued that the cost participation policy assesses I <br />what is eligible, and that it would be very unlikely the cost would reach $272,500, unless the <br />City would tie in an additional main trunk sewer. Mr. Tolaas stated the City has control over the <br />costs, although there is no cap. I <br />Mr. Tolaas stated the County can either delay or find an alternative to service the storm sewer. I <br />He continued that the County uses general tax money to fund these projects, even though <br />drainage is included in municipal funds. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated that the cost participation for storm sewer is an established policy. He I <br />continued that the cities would have to decide on how to stretch the dollars available. <br />Mr. Tolaas stated that in reference to Item 7, the County reviews pavement conditions, . <br />geometrics, staging and common readiness and safety issues all as factors in reconstruction. He .. <br />noted that the segment between Lexington Avenue east to Highway 49 is in very poor condition, <br /> I <br />
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