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<br /> LIlY Ntw bK10HIUh it.L.O-.)u';;::U44 ,JU~ j 1 'jl) 1~:41' NO.UUb ~.U4 <br /> - <br /> illlhe e~eol thai iIIl)' party tillls to /il:Cur; rental income ~ cbllg:t=d. lloove, such plrty ",J11 pay <br /> Ihc: llUll:rl:ul,>; !.o;lWGCU j""""", ,"",u,,:<1 ",,<1 i"';\l1II1: ,,\dilated ..j\hi;1 ~O J~l' ..1\",. oJe"".nu \oj' <br /> MASC. <br /> F. SCHBDUUNO AND PROORAMMINO . <br /> Schec1uUllJ ~lld programming policies shall be C1eletmlned by the hoard of direclOrs ellcopt that <br /> sche4llllni ma)' nlll be In~Qftalatel1l wIth thIS IplllOnt. !!tIcb party ba. 801e dlSCftllOll1n scbedul. <br /> IDi alid piv~ammln, ItA prier!ty hoIUS nOllllcona15lcnl with !his agreemenl. <br /> O. flNANCJNO OPBRATlONS <br /> Appropriate books and rcwrds ~nting the opcrlting Bvenue~ and expense. lmd cllpitalllliMU <br /> lUId llablllties BIatlnIl to the fllCility ahell be maintained by MASC. The toilowlng restt'Ve <br /> aocOllnlllhall hr. mllintailled. <br /> 1. Applleufon ot Revenues <br /> All Revenues pnerated by the facUlty includlnll conce~sIOlU. reutal and admissions shall first <br /> be applied to timely reductlOll& of principii lIIld lnll:lrest on Ibe debt financing of tM facility. <br /> .\it<< such p."mecm lIlO 0_1, l'llmalniJls revenvos shall be applicd to opera!ins ~I\pen.... <br /> bcto~ applic:atlon 10 lilY olhcr pwpoac, <br /> 2. Operating Relerve <br /> In the event !bill revenues exceed COAlS such that the flll:lllty ba. "profit from opcraUons" such <br /> pNnl will "" lQoi~ Iv lIll opcrDwl& rCOOfVC I>ntil $""" lWOrvQ hDa fC~hod an amount det<;r- <br /> w.ined by tile board. <br /> 3. Capital improvemeat reI<<Ve <br /> AfIer the ope.-atlnll reacrv~ IWCheR the maximum amount rcquimlundcr plll"agraph . <br /> V.G.l above,/lddlUonlll "prOfilA" Rhall be usigned 10 a capltallmprovemeiU lIIld Il:piIlr RIleI'Ve. <br /> 4. Additlollal Profits <br /> Should the fac:lIity ~r_ "profits" In elloess of the .....aunts neees."')' to Dlwntllin the ubuvo <br /> n::serves, the board of dinlc:lOrs shall divide those profllS at the rate of 20% 10 each pari)'. <br /> - <br /> H. OmRATTNO RXPBNSES <br /> MASC will be responsible for the operation uf lhe facility and no other pany shall be required to - <br /> wouibllu: lW)' llUl\IWll$ lIut .equlred pUllUM! to parDscaphs IV (FINANCING) " v.n. I <br /> (Guarantee) ot Ws agreement. As palt of the con8ideratiOll tOf $uc.h UlldertaltlnS by MASC. MASC <br /> DUl)' sell prodUCli end services commonly know 8& "concelllllonl" at th8 facility ancIlhc revenue. <br /> lUllS expensn relaUna to CODl'enlona thall a= 10 MASC IIIld not 10 the CJtM.f pMtl~.s to IhI. I <br /> IlgIt)CI11Cnt. <br /> VL CONSTRVcnON OF FACILITY <br /> MASC will be re&pon$ib!c in all reapeclS for the dcsijn and construction of the faeUlty. MASC may I <br /> cIclclllllC> Dr COfIinIl>t iIlGh reepoiltHWlity ;l& il _ lit. <br /> I <br /> 4 .1 <br /> I <br /> I <br />