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PCP 03-01-2006
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PCP 03-01-2006
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 1,2006 10 <br /> Tom Kaufhold, Celestica, explained their parking situation and the fact that their needs . <br /> for parking go up and down. He stated they had made a request for additional parking in <br /> 2001, but their business went down in 200 I and they did not need the additional parking. <br /> Now their business was such that the additional parking was needed. He also noted they <br /> were considering leasing an adjoining property, which would give them additional <br /> parking. With respect to adding the structures to the roof, he did not believe it would <br /> look very attractive and this would impact the Chesapeake property views more than if <br /> the structures were located at ground level. <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman asked if upgrading the parking spaces were contingent on the <br /> installation of the nitrogen tanle Mr. Lehnhoff responded it was not and they were <br /> entirely separate applications. <br /> Commissioner Zimmermall noted currently they were not in compliance with the zoning <br /> requirements and asked what the recourse was irrespective of the request brought before <br /> them tonight. Mr. Lehnhoff responded a condition could be added that applicant needed <br /> to bring their parking lot into compliance within a certain time period, or they could state <br /> when applicant needed additional parking, that applicant add it at that time. <br /> Commissioner Bezdicek asked if they had a long-term agreement for additional parking <br /> space. Mr. Kaufhold responded they did not have a long-term agreement, but they had an <br /> agreement with the adjoining property owners that if there was available parking, <br /> Celestica's employees could use them. . <br /> Commissioner Modesette asked where the entry point would be. Mr. Patterson replied <br /> the two existing dock doors they did not use would be the entry point and all duct work <br /> would run on thc interior of the building. <br /> Commissioner Zimmerman moved, seconded by Commissioner Larson to approve <br /> Planning Case No. 06-003, Special Use Permit (SUP) Amendment to Planning Case #96- <br /> 12 to allow for a site plan modification allowing the installation of two exterior make-up <br /> air handling units, subject to the eight conditions as noted in staffs January 24, 2006 <br /> report and adding recommendation nine to read: The applicant shall provide proof of <br /> additional parking to meet the current zoning requirement and this be in a signed letter by <br /> the owner of the property where they would obtain the additional parking spaces within a <br /> time period so spccified, and when that time period comes, the applicant shall come back <br /> for a special use pennit to reinstated the pelmits for the additional parking spaces <br /> necessary. <br /> The motion carried (6-1 - Commissioner McClung opposed). <br /> D. nANNING CASE 06-004: ODD FELLOWS, 1174 EDGEWATER AVENUE <br /> NORTH, MINOR SUBDIVISION AND CONSOLIDATION <br /> Mr. Lchnhoff stated applicant was requesting a Minor Subdivision to subdivide three lots . <br /> from the eastern side of the St. Paul Lodge #2 - LO.O.F. (Odd Fellows) property at 1174 <br /> Edgewater Avenue N and consolidate those three platted lots into a single 14,973 square <br /> 10 <br /> ------------ <br />
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