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PCP 03-01-2006
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PC Packets 2006
PCP 03-01-2006
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<br /> ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - FEBRUARY 1,2006 2 <br /> 3. The applicant shall provide a 12-foot drainage and utility easement on the street <br /> right-of-way and a 12-foot drainage centered on the lot line. . <br /> 4. The applicant shall pay a park dedication fee before filing the subdivision with <br /> Ramsey County. The dedication fee shall be determined by the City Council. <br /> 5. Any extension of City services for the new lot shall be subject to approval by <br /> the City Engineer and all associated costs shall be the responsibility of the <br /> applicant. <br /> 6, The applicant shall comply with applicable provisions of the City Code and <br /> related ordinances, <br /> Chair Sand opened the public hearing at 7:12 p.m. <br /> Chair Sand invited anyone for or against the request to come forward and make <br /> comment. <br /> Al La Vallc, 4057 Valentine Court, asked if there was a possibility of townhomes being <br /> built on this site. He noted the street was narrow and asked what the possibility was that <br /> the street would be widened in the future if the development needed a wider street. Mr. <br /> Lehnhoff stated the applicant has not indicated future plans. He outlined the <br /> requirements applicant would need to meet in order to put in a duplex, With respect to <br /> future assessments, he did not have that information, but there would be sufficient room <br /> for a driveway. Me. LaValle expressed concern about emergency vehicles access in the <br /> area. <br /> Commissioner Larson asked if the entire right-of-way had been used. Mr. Lehnhoff . <br /> responded he did not have that information. <br /> Commissioner McClung stated he was not aware of any concerns from the Fire <br /> Department in this area, so he did not believe one additional property in this area would <br /> be so burdensome that the street would need to be rebuilt before the streets were slated <br /> for rebuilding. <br /> Julie Jones, 4030 Valentine Court, noted this was a tight circle and the garbage truck <br /> could not make the cirele without backing up. She noted as more driveways were added, <br /> this would be more problematic and this was a concern of hers. She indicated the access <br /> was on a very sharp curve, which might create a potential danger. <br /> Dennis Claridge, 3300 Katie Lane, applicant, asked what the park dedication fee was <br /> going to be. He believed the fee was too high. He indicated he agreed with all of the <br /> conditions with the exception of the park dedication fee. He noted two new homes would <br /> not increase the demand on City parks, He explained his reasoning why he believed the <br /> park dedication fee was too high. <br /> Chair Sand asked what his proposal was for future development. Mr. Claridge responded <br /> they would definitely not build townhomes on the site and he was proposing to build <br /> singlc-family homes. . <br /> 2 <br />
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