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CCP 11-10-1997
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CCP 11-10-1997
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<br />,.' .. <br />ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - NOVEMBER 5. 1997 2 <br /> . <br />Mr. Ringwald noted that the special requirements of the Gateway Business District (GBD) <br />provide for approval of the location, type, size and design of signs within the GBD (Zoning <br />Ordinance, Section V, K, 5, g, (I)). The original signage provided for one sign band (wall sign) <br />to either sides of the buildings five points of entrance for a total of ten wall signs. The original <br />signage planned for occupancy of the building by multiple tenants. The building is solely <br />occupied by MSL. MSL currently has no wall signs on their building. Therefore, the applicant <br />has not utilized any of the available signage that was originally provided for. The applicants <br />request is to locate a wall sign in the upper left hand corner of the building's west wall which <br />would provide exposure to Interstate 35W. <br />Mr. Ringwald stated that Staff believes that the trade-ofT often wall signs on the north face for - <br />one wall sign (not to exceed 100 square feet) on the west face is an appropriate trade-off Also, - <br />the proposed signage would not appear to negatively affect the aesthetics of the west face of the <br />building, or' <br />Mr. Ringwald stated that Staff recommends approval of the proposed modification to the sign - <br />location (wall sign), based on that the proposed modification does not negatively affect the <br />aesthetics of the building and that the other ten wall signs location will not be utilized, subject to ... <br />the size of the wall sign on the west face does not exceed the amount allowed by the sign - <br />ordinance (100 square feet). .- <br />Mr. Ringwald noted if the Planning Commission makes a recommendation on this Planning I <br />Case, it would be heard at the Monday, November 10,1997, regular meeting of the City Council. <br />Chair Erickson asked for comments in support of the proposal. I <br />Tom Brunmeier, Facilities Manager of Manufacturer's Service Limited (MSL), stated that the <br />original site plan included signage on the other end of the building, overlooking the lake, The I <br />proposed sign is not currently proposed to be lit, will not be obtrusive and meets the regulations <br />of the City. Mr. Brunmeier stated he is requesting approval of the sign in anticipation that it can <br />be located on the building before the end of this construction season. I <br />Chair Erickson asked for comments against the proposal. No one came forward to address this <br />item, I <br />Hearing no further comment, Chair Erickson closed the public hearing at 7:39 p.m. I <br />Commissioner Sand asked why this request was called a modification of a Site Plan approval <br />which was granted. He expressed concern that in the future there may be more than one tenant I <br />occupying the building. He stated this appeared to be more of a variance than a modification, A <br />modification would imply that if multiple tenants would occupy the building, the other locations -. <br />of signs over the entrances would not have to be honored. <br /> I <br />----.- <br />
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