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CCP 11-10-1997
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CCP 11-10-1997
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<br />e ARDEN HILLS PLANNING COMMISSION - NOVEMBER 5. 1997 3 <br /> Mr. Ringwald stated that MSL has a ten year lease. He stated the request has been deemed a <br /> modification as it modifies the original approval and does not modify the Sign Ordinance. If <br /> multiple tenants occupy the building at some point, they may be required to request the signs be <br /> redistributed. He stated this is an attempt to aggregate the signs and minimize the number of <br /> signs located on the site. <br /> Commissioner Sand asked that if in the future MSL occupies half of the building and the rest is <br /> occupied by multiple tenants, has MSL met the maximum square footage for one sign or the <br /> maximum aggregate for all signs on the building. <br /> Mr. Ringwald stated this is the maximum square footage allowed for one wall sign. <br />- Commissioner Sand asked if this modification would preclude another tenant of the building <br /> from locating a sign above their entrance. <br />- <br />- Mr. Ringwald noted that the Planning Commission under the Gateway Business District has to <br /> recommendations to the City Council in regard to location, type, style and size of signs. With <br />- this modification, the wall sign which would be approved would be for MSL If additional wall <br />'Ie signs were requested, modifications would have to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. <br /> Duchenes moved, seconded by Larson, to recommend approval of Planning Case #97-23, <br />I Site Plan Modification, to the Sign Location, Manufacturer's Services Limited, 4300 <br /> Round Lake Road, based on Staff recommendations. The motion carried unanimously (6- <br /> 0). <br />I CASE #97-24 VARIANCE. SIDE YARD SETBACK mOUSE AND DECK ADDITION) <br /> ARL YN SOLBERG. 3232 NORTH HAMLINE A VENUE <br />I Mr. Ringwald reported that the applicant is requesting approval of a Variance for a side yard <br />I setback for a house addition (three feet proposed, when 10 feet is required) and for a deck (six <br /> inches, when ten feet is required) on a single family lot zoned R-l. <br />I Mr. Ringwald stated that the applicant's property is located on the northwest comer of Lake <br /> Josephine. A private drive services the property and the property to the west The property is <br /> deficient in width but meets the depth requirements. The property is deficient in total lot area <br />I with 7,980 square feet of area when 14,000 square feet is required. <br /> Mr. Ringwald noted the current configuration of the home includes a kitchen located in the <br />I northeast portion ",ith a porch. The applicant is requesting to increase the size of the kitchen by <br /> 50% and add a deck/entry off the kitchen to the south. The proposed kitchen would be three feet <br />.- from the property line and the proposed deck would be six inches from the property line. <br />I <br />
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