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CCP 11-10-1997
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CCP 11-10-1997
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<br />ARDEN H1LLS PLANNING COMMISSION - NOVEMBER 5. 1997 4 e <br />Mr. Ringwald stated Staff recommends denial of Planning Case #97-24, Side Yard Setback <br />Variance for the house addition (seven feet) and denial ofa Side Yard Setback Variance for the <br />attached deck (nine feet six inches) based on the following "Findings": <br />1. Configuration of a particular parcel: The parcel is deficient in lot width and area for the <br /> R-2 zoning district The parcel is approximately 40 percent smaller than the minimum <br /> required lot size for this zoning district. <br />2. Reasonable Use: The applicant currently does have a kitchen of approximately 132 <br /> square feet within the existing home. The applicant did not provide information with <br /> their application as to why a 132 square foot kitchen is not a reasonably sized kitchen. <br /> The Staff would conclude that there exists numerous homes within the City with <br /> similarly sized kitchens. .- <br />3. Endanger Public Safetv: The deck that the applicant is proposing is within six inches of <br /> the side property line. The proximity of this structure to the property line would be a - <br /> concern for public safety, in particular the spreading of a fire. Also, a deck in this close <br /> of proximity to the side property line would interfere with the typical five foot drainage - <br /> easement on either side of property lines. The property pre-dates this requirement, but <br /> the need and the rationale for maintaining such a space is still relevant - <br />4. Minimization of request: The deck would serve as a point of access to the home. The . <br /> point of access could be provided by steps at the proposed doorway into the kitchen, el <br /> rather than a large structure (deck). <br />Mr. Ringwald noted if the Planning Commission makes a recommendation on this Planning I <br />Case, it would be heard at the Monday, November 10, 1997, regular meeting of the City Council. <br />Commissioner Duchenes asked if the addition would just fill in under the existing roof line. I <br />Mr. Ringwald stated that the addition would utilize the existing slope roof on the side of the I <br />house but enlarge the area somewhat and the deck would be beyond that. <br />Commissioner Galatowitsch asked the distance from the property lines of the adjacent homes. I <br />Mr. Ringwald stated that the garage located on the adjacent property was one foot from the I <br />property line, resulting in a distance of 2.5 feet between the side of this house and the edge of <br />that garage. There is twenty feet between this home and the adjacent home. There is a thirty foot <br />green space on the other side of the property. I <br />Commissioner Larson stated that the green space appears to be an access to the lake for the home <br />located to the northeast of the subject property. A lilac hedge is located on the far side of the I <br />green space. <br />Commissioner Galatowitsch asked if a variance had been granted to the adjacent property ov.ner. -. <br /> I <br />
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